vocaburary 22000 단어 예문 정리
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vocaburary 22000 단어 예문 정리에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


um only."
☞ (literally, "little star") star-shaped mark (*) used to call attention to a footnote, omission, etc.
⊙ Compared to planet Earth, some asteroids are tiny, measuring less than a mile in diameter.
☞ 1. very small planet resembling a star in appearance
⊙ If an asteroid loses an arm to an attacker, it can grow back the missing arm.
☞ 2. starfish
⊙ An astrologer would have people believe that their lives are regulated by the movements of the stars, planets, sun, and moon.
☞ person who practices astrology, the false science dealing with the influence of the stars and planets on human affairs
⊙ Yuri Gagarin, the world's first astronaut, orbited the earth in an artificial satellite on April 12, 1961.
☞ (literally, "star sailor") traveler in outer space
⊙ Because the stars are so far away, astronomers measure their distance from Earth in "ilght years" (one light yearequals about six trillion miles)
☞ expert in astronomy, science of the stars, planets, sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies
⊙ The attack an Pearl Harbor was the worst disaster in the history of the U.S. Navy.
☞ (literally, "contrary star") sudden or extraordinary misfortune; calamity
- gram, graph : 글씨, 글 -
⊙ "Moat" is an anagram for "atom".
☞ word or phrase formed from another by transtpsing the letters
⊙ Ancient cartographers did not know of the existence of the Western Hemisphere.
☞ (literally, "map writer") person skilled in cartography, the science or art of map making
⊙ Military leaders, diplomats, and businessmen use cryptograms to relay secret information.
☞ something written in secret code
⊙ After reading Mrs. Hale's electrocardiogram, the physician assured her that her heart was working properly.
☞ "writing" or tracing made by an electrocardiograph, an instrument that records the amount of electricity the heart muscles produce during the heartbeat
⊙ "The more things a man is ashamed of, the of George Bernard Shaw's epigrams.
☞ (literally, something "written on," or "inscribed") bright or witty thought concisely and cleverly expressed
⊙ The reporter's graphic description made us feel that we were present at the scene.
☞ written or told in a clear, lifelike manner; vivid
⊙ "Lead" pencils do not contain lead, but rather a mixture of clay and graphite.
☞ soft black carbon used in lead pencils
⊙ Some of Dad's handkerchiefs are embroiderde with his monogram.
☞ (literally, "one letter") person's initials interwoven or combined into design
⊙ For his thesis, the student plans to write a monograph on the life of an obscure 19th-century composer.
☞ written account of a single thing or class of things
⊙ A court stenogranpher has to be able to take down more than 250 words a minut.
☞ person skilled in, or employed to do. stenography (literally, "narrow writing"), the art of writing in shorthand
⊙ Proofs submitted by the printer should be carefully checked to eliminate typographical errors.
☞ pertaining to or occurring in typography (literally, "writing with type") or printing
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vocaburary,   22000,   단어,   예문,   어휘,   시사영어
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수43페이지
  • 등록일2004.03.10
  • 저작시기2004.03
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#244253
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