경찰영어 스파르타 영어 어휘
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경찰영어 스파르타 영어 어휘에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1076.am fed up with : am bored with ~에 싫증나다
1077.all but : almost 거의
1078.am all thumbs : amn clums 손재주가 없는
1079.Other sports, such as football,pole,hockey,baseball, ____ the like,may also be included. : and (and the like= 기타등등)
1080.as a rule :general 일반적으로
1081.The boy used to be late for the class. He was late yesterday __
:as usual 평소와 다름없이
1082.resolved : determined 결심하다
1083.physical : bodily 육체의
1084.reached punctually : arrived on time 시간을 엄수하여
1085.traits : characteristics (성격등의)특성
1086.had words : had a quarrel ~와 말다툼 하다
1087.in the teeth of : in spite of ~에도 불구하구
1088.in return for : as repayment for ~의 답례로
1089.carry on the experiment without _____ to cost.
= carry on the experiment no matter how much it may cost
: regard (without regard to ~을 돌보지 않고)
1090.a painting,drawing,or other pictorial representation of a person usually
showing his face : a portrait 초상화
1091.On ___ Day, people put wreaths of flowers on graves to remember the dead
: memorial 현충일
1092.We are unable to offer the service because we haven`t got the ___ to deal with it.
: personnel 요원
1093.Nevertheless Cinderella in her shabby clothes was far more beautiful than the sisters,no matter how magnificently they were ___. : dressed 옷을 입다
1094.In spite of her husband`s small salary, she was ___ in everything she bought.
: extravagant 낭비하는
1095.Astronomers study the stars through a _____ : telescope 망원경
1096.Oil and water have ___ : an antipathy 반감
1097.A specialist in the human respiratory system is an expert on __ : lungs 폐
1098.The discovery of vitamins and the proof of their importance to health has
helped to arouse new interest in _____ : diet 음식물
1099.Youth cannnot accept death as inevitable. Youth is the child of nature and
believes itself to be, like nature, ______ : immortal 죽지않는
1100.At the beginning the land was extermely barren, but after many years hard work it finally became ____ : poor
1101.She isn`t a good typist . We`ll have to find a ___ : replacement 교체
1102.A clearly and fully expressed statement is __ : explicit 명백한
1103.We must take into account the fact that she had a bad eyesight : consider
1104.take it easy : relax 마음을 편하게 하다
1105.took the place of : replace ~을 대신하다
1106.tell ~ from ~ :distinguish (tell a from b)a와 b를 구별하다
1107.My father has math at his finger`s ends.
:knows math very well(have ~~ at one`s fingers`ends~에 정통하다
1108.have nothing to do with : have no relation to ~과는 아무런 관계가 없다
1109.have my hands full : am extremely busy 매우 바쁘다(have one`s hand full)
1110.It is ____ parents to teach their children manners. : up to ~의 책임으로서
1111.If someone is putting on weight , he is ____ : getting heavief 체중을 늘리다
1112."What do you want me to do ?"
"The radio is too loud,please turn it _____"
:down 소리를 줄이다
1113.dispense with : do with out ~없이 지내다
1114.The party is being held ___ the retired politician.
: in honor of~을 기념하여 (in celebration of)
1115.put me through : connect me 성취하다 연결하다
1116.put up with : stand ~을 참다(endure=tolerate=stand)
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수30페이지
  • 등록일2004.05.28
  • 저작시기2004.05
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#253246
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