멤브레인을 이용한 고도정수처리 기술 막분리
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멤브레인을 이용한 고도정수처리 기술 막분리에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1, 막분리의 목적

2, 막분리의 특성

3. 막분리 기술을 이용한 정수공정

4. 결론

5. 참고문헌


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3. Dhawan G. K., R. Doiel (1983) Zero discharge industrial wastewater treatment at R.D. Nixon power plant, UOP publication.
4. Cohen R.D., R.F. Probstein (1986) Colloidal fouling of reverse smosis membrane, J.of Colloid Interface Sci, Vol.114.
5. Hofhrins W. (1984) RO membrane technology, water tech, pp.24∼29.
6. 이규현 (1994) 막을 이용한 고도 수처리 기술, 환경기술, pp.18∼25.
7. Jaffer A.E, (1994) The application of a novel chemical treatment program to mitigate scaling and fouling in reverse osmosis units, Desalination 96, pp.71∼79.
8. 황선탁 (1991,12) Current and future trend of membrane research, 멤브레인, Vol.1, No 1, pp1.
9. Patrick S. (1992) Waste minimization, Industrial water treatment, pp.34∼39.
10. Lee S.B., Y. Aurelle and H. Roques, (1984), Concentration polarization, membrane fouling and cleaning in ultrafiltration of soluble oil, J.Membrane Sci.19, pp.23∼38.
11. Hwang S.T., K. Karl (1984) Membranes in separation, Robert EKrieger Pub. Co., Florida.
12. Harry F.R., G.R. Martin and G.A. David (1985) Bacterial adehesion and fouling of reverse osmosis membrane, J.AWWA vol 77, pp.97∼106.
13. Flinn J.E. (1970) Membrane science & tecnology, Plenum Press, New York, pp.47∼97.
14. Lipp P., B. Gorge and R.Gimbel (1990) A comparative study of fouling-index and fouling-potential of waters to be treated by reverse osmosis, Desalination 79, pp.203∼216.
15. Belfort G. and W. Altena (1983) Toward an inductive understanding of membrane fouling, Desalination 47, pp.105∼127.
16. Visvanathan C., Ben A.R. and S. Vigneswaran (1986) Application of cross-flow electro-microfiltration in chromium wastewater treatment, Desalination 71, pp.265∼276.
17. Tatsuji O. and O. Osamu (1994) Recycling of waste water from building by application of membrane technology, Desalination 98, pp.335∼341.
18. Schulz G. and S. Ripperger (1989) Concentration polarization in crossflow microfiltration, J. of membrane science 40, pp.173∼187.
19. 하수도공학, 김성홍 외 지음, 동화기술(2002)
20. 상하수도공학 영재호 외 지음, 구미서관(2002)
21. 인터넷 사이트 : 환경공학연구정보센터 http://www.dicer.org
22. http://dicer.org/dicerDB/cyber/html/membrane_03.htm(UF MF국내 적용분야)
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2005.04.06
  • 저작시기2005.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#291510
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