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nd tell him the truth. But that night I found he had phoned my mother. I knew right away some-thing was up, but she didn't say anything until we'd finished our dinner.
"Your gym teacher called," she said then. "He says he wants you on the volleyball team, but you turned him ( )."
"Did he tell you the practice times?" I said sharply.
"Then you know why I said no."
Mom sighed.
51. 글의 흐름으로 볼 때 ( )에 들어갈 알맞은 말은? 중
1) on 2)off 3) down 4) up 5) over
52. 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 하
1) Bob's friends are trying to persuade Bob to take part in the volleyball team.
2) Bob seems to be felt annoyed because his friends don't understand his situation.
3) The trouble is that Bob can't join the team against his will.
4) At first Mr. Braden didn't want Bob on the volleyball team.
5) It seems that the team is badly in need of a good player like Bob.
53. 밑줄 친 “나좀 가만 내버려둬”의 의미가 되도록 ( )에 알맞은 단어를 넣으시오. 중
⇒ ( ) me ( ).
54. 다음 ( ) 안의 단어들을 뜻이 통하도록 바르게 배열하시오. 상
Our next class was math, but I couldn't keep my mind on fractions and percentages. I kept thinking (good, felt, how, to, hit, it, about) that ball and see it sail over the net.
55. 밑줄 부분중에서 어색한 곳을 고르시오. 중
①Our next class was math, but ②I couldn't keep my mind on fractions and percentages. ③I kept thinking about ④how good it felt to hit that ball and ⑤see it saild over the net.
1. ④ 2. ② 3. ③ 4. ⑤ 5. ① 6. ③ 7. ⑤ 8. ② 9. ③ 10. To change practice times 11. had seen 12. has lost 13. ④ 14. ① 15. to join, in need of 16. ④ 17. ① 18. turn 19. ⑤ 20. ② 21. enough 22. ⑤ 23. ① 24. ⑤ 25. when 26. ③ 27. ⑤ 28. ③ 29. friendship 30. when 31. ④ 32. ② 33. ③ 34. ④ 35. ② 36. ③ 37. ⑤ 38. ③ 39. ④ 40. Say yes to Mr. Braden 41. ① 42. ④ 43. ⑤ 44. ① 45. ③ 46. turned, down 47. ④ 48. ④ 49. ② 50, ① 51. ③ 52. ④ 53. Leave, alone 54. about how good it felt to hit 55. ⑤


had seen,   has lost,   Leave,   turn
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2006.12.06
  • 저작시기1999.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#380542
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