[영어에세이] 1984 조지 오웰 - George Orwell - 영어 독후감 감상 비평 평론 동물농장 고전 영국 소설
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[영어에세이] 1984 조지 오웰 - George Orwell - 영어 독후감 감상 비평 평론 동물농장 고전 영국 소설에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


George Orwell
You may read 1984 when you’re in high school or middle school. In my case, the first time I read 1984 was when I was in second grade of high school for writing report and this is my second time. This review about 1984, I think, is for those who may already have read it before more than once. If you haven't read 1984 yet, and especially if you read it when you were young, 1984 is a good text to inspire your intelligence.
This book, 1984 is incredibly visionary, so it is hard to believe that this book was written in 1948, sixty years ago. I guess you've heard such terms as ‘thought - crime’, ‘Newspeak,’ and ‘Big Brother’ more than once. Actually these terms came from this incredible book. It is surprising that George Orwell created not only such terms but graphically described future technologies. Things that we take for granted in these days, such as tapping phones, human body scanning, are well described. Now we use the Internet and people spying on other people through webcams. Furthermore people purposely setting up their own webcams to let others anonymously watch them. We can see how these cultures develop.
The story is set on London in 1984 which means near future from 1948. Winston Smith, the main character is a Winston Smith, a functionary of the Ministry of Truth whose work involved the correction of all records every time the "Big Brother" decided that the truth had changed.


  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수3페이지
  • 등록일2008.07.10
  • 저작시기2008.8
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#473423
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