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1. 교재 p.89 복습을 위한 질문 중

2. 교재 p.90~92. 연습문제 중

3. 다음을 읽고 아래 질문에 답하시오.


r by 2012.
Q1. How does the concept of elasticity of demand relate to this topic?
→ 의료의 기술 발전이나 더 나은 기업경영으로 인하여 발생하는 생산비용의 점진적 감소가 의료경제성장을 가져오게 되었다. 이런 경우는 장기적으로 지속되어 온것이기 때문에, 탄력적이다.
Q2. How can the same health care procedure be a necessity for one individual and a luxury for another individual?
→ 절실하게 의료혜택을 받아야만 하는 사람은 일용 필수품이 될 수 있지만, 돈 많은 사람들은 살짝만 아파도 병원을 찾아가니 이런 사람들에게는 사치품이 될 수 있다.
Q3. How will the issues discussed in this article impact health care elsewhere?
→ 다른 의료 산업도 이런 영향을 받아 복지 시설이 잘된 병원을 바뀌어 갈 것 이다.
(3) "Farmers Expected to Plant Less Corn"
Jalonick. ,Clare Mary, Associated Press, Monday March 31, 9:08 am ET
Less Corn in the Ground Could Translate Into Higher Grocery Bills
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Farmers are expected to plant less corn this year, according to the Department of Agriculture, and that could mean higher bills at the grocery store.
Corn prices have skyrocketed in recent years, helped by the burgeoning ethanol industry, which turns the crop into fuel, and rising worldwide demand for food. The higher prices have hurt poultry, beef and pork companies, who use corn to feed their animals.
Farmers are expected to plant 86 million acres of corn this year, the government predicted Monday, down 8 percent from 2007, when the amount of corn planted was the highest since World War II. The decreased supply could drive corn prices even higher -- a cost for food producers that could be passed on to consumers.
According to the agriculture department, corn planting is expected to remain at historically high levels but could be down this year because of the high expense of growing corn and favorable prices for other crops, such as soybeans.
As many farmers have made that switch, soybean planting is expected to be up 18 percent this year, at almost 75 million acres. The largest increases in soybean planting are expected in Iowa and Nebraska.
Though the ethanol industry is heavily subsidized and has contributed to the rise in prices, a decrease in corn production could hurt that business, too. Higher prices for the crop could be passed on to those filling their cars up with the renewable fuel.
The number of ethanol plants has increased from 50 in 1999 to 134 now with more being built, according to the Renewable Fuels Association. An average, 100 million gallon-per-year ethanol plant consumes about 33 million bushels of corn.
The Department of Agriculture report is based on sample surveys of 86,000 farm operators in the first two weeks of March.
Q1. What factors attributed to the high prices of corn ?
→ 에탄올 산업이 농작물을 연료로 바꾸는 기술을 발전을 시켰고, 세계적으로 음식수요는 증가했다.
Q2. Why could corn planting be down this year?
→ 자라고 있는 농작물과 콩같은 유망한 다른 작물의 높은 비용 때문이다.
Q3. How can soybean affect corn planting?
→ 콩이 재배되는 비용이 옥수수가 재배되는 비용보다 알맞은 가격에 결정되었다. 그러나 옥수수는 역사적으로는 높은 수준의 작물로 남았지만 재배비용이 높기 때문에 재배량이 줄어 들었다.
Q4. Draw supply and demand curves for corn and illustrate the above situation.

→ 음식 공급자들은 옥수수 재배하는데 비용이 많이 들기 때문에 공급이 감소하게 되어 공급량이 줄게 되었다. 결국 가격이 상승!
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2009.04.17
  • 저작시기2008.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#530537
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