외국인과의 인터뷰, 인터뷰영어
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해당 자료는 2페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
2페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


외국인과의 인터뷰, 인터뷰영어에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I am a electronic engineer.
◎ Could you tell me why did you come to Korea?
-> I came for business.
◎ Is this your first visit to Korea?
-> No, About Six times.
◎ When did you first come to Korea?
-> Ten years ago.
◎ What was the best place in Korea?
-> Namsan tower was great. And today we went to 경복궁. It was beautiful.
◎ What do you feel when you first visit to Korea?
-> Very nice country. very interesting.
◎ What was the best place in Korea?
-> Seoul. I've been to Chang-won, Bu-san. Seoul for me is the best place.
I've ever seen.
◎ What's the good points about Korea?
-> Tradition. very old culture, People are so friendly. There aren't so many
people speaking in English. So sometimes difficult.
◎ Could you tell me what Korean food do you like?
-> 김치. I like it And 불고기. I like spicy food.
김치 is spicy for me.
◎ What do you think about culture of Korea?
-> It's very nice. Because it is old tradition country.
Korea has the 5000 history.
◎ What's your name?
-> My name is Lorica, and Luicy.
◎ What's the purpose of your visit?
-> I teach French and Tour.
◎ When did you come to Korea?
-> Last Sunday. 5 years ago.
◎ What do you think about Korea?
-> Seoul is big city. and beautiful sightseeing to see.
◎ What kind of Korean food do you like?
-> Everything, 비빔밥, 떡, 김밥.
◎ What is your name?
-> Fredleck
◎ Where are you from?
-> I'm from France.
◎ What do you do?
-> I'm working in Korea. My work is consulting.
◎ When did you come to korea?
-> I came to Korea last Friday.
◎ Is this your first visit to Korea?
-> Yes.
◎ What's the purpose of your visit?
-> On business.
◎ Did you eat Korean food?
-> Yes.
◎ What kind of Korean food do you like?
-> Everything.
◎ Have you ever been to any other place?
-> Just Seoul.
◎ What do you think about the culture of Korea?
-> Very nice.
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2009.10.18
  • 저작시기2009.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#557302
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