Beijing Olympic game in 2008 & China economy (한국어원문과 함께 기재됨)
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I. Introduction
1. Propulsion background of Beijing Olympic
2. Consensus of International society & economic meaning

II. The main issue
1. Political · economical effect of Beijing Olympic
2. China economy taking advantage of `Olympic event‘
3. Preparation plan of China government
4. Market analysis per industries
5. Business opportunity from Olympic
6. Structure of China stock market & expectation stock per industries

III. Conclusion


mpetition. Additionally endless extension of rural mobile communication market and 3rd generation communication service introduction in 2008 would cause real stock price to much more exceed than expected price in prospect.
The overseas stock investment is difficult to get business information, because it’s also difficult to have a assurance about reliability of those information, actually it is fact that we should accept risk to certain degree. It’s not easy to get business information of China in Korea. But recently stock companies that intermediate stock of China in Korea are increasing and stock volumes are growing step by step as well. As they say it’s not possible to give back to Korea on the money invested in China with concerning invoice regarding overseas investment, specially risk of China investment but it is ‘never’ true. There surely are clear way to take in to Korea through lawful procedure investing legal, return rate is also very high. In the meantime considering that Japan and Taiwanhave a not so good relationship with China, we Korea need to sprint to use most of finance cooperation opportunity with China. Growth tendency will be continued because China stock exchange is comparatively young. China government has a 70% of China stocks and because they also secure enough cash, they have a enough ability to adjust stocks. China government is trying to make Olympic this year chance to resurrect Republic people. The Communist party would never be playing dead on stock price plummeting throwing cold water on Olympic atmosphere. If good factors wrap over such as boosting the Yuan on rapid rise of China stock market with legal China investment, investors could accomplish profit rate they could not have got in anywhere
III. Conclusion
There was a prospect that growth rate of China would be recorded 9.3%, 9.5% respectively in 2008 and 2009. Also Global Insight prospected 9.8% as growth rate of this year, 7.6% growth rate yearly average until 2020 in the long-term. In addition, Goldman Sachs and American Carnegie foundation have a opinion that high growth of Chinawill be continued 7-8% yearly average in the long term. In general there is a prospect that high growth tendency will be continued at least until 2020. We need to tack an interest and find a way to cope with China stocks according to prospect that China will accomplish extraordinary economic growth from 2008 Beijing
Now it’s inevitable general trend for China to rise major economy country. Desire of international society and China government that hope success of Beijing Olympic is so big beyond description in spite of lots of bad factors. It’s natural for us to pay attention to possibility of crisis occurrence of China economy but it will be better to take a challenging pause to get a endless chances that major country called China offer than looking at only negative side. More people will prepare and expect for the next if festival of world people would be end as a festival
  • 가격3,500
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.28
  • 저작시기2008.6
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#578840
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