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DNA가 mRNA의 복사하도록 하기 위하여

Restriction Enzymes
제한 효소
특정한 점 제조 작은 부분 파편들을 자르기 위하여는 것에 디옥시리보핵산(deoxyribouncleic acid)을 절단하기 위하여

DNA Ligase
DNA 파편들을 하나로 결합하기 위하여

작은 방들에 디옥시리보핵산(deoxyribouncleic acid)을 운반하고 복사를 책임지기 위하여

Common kind of vector

Gene Transfer
살아있는 세포들에 유전인자를 인도하기 위하여

Genetic Markers
형질변환되었던 세포들을 확인하기 위하여

Replica Plating *
복제 도금
우뭇가사리류 접시에 박테리아 식민지들의 정확한 문서들에 도착하기 위하여

DNA의 매우 작은 샘플들을 상세히 설명하기 위하여

DNA probes
일체가 되고 확신한 결과를 포함한 디옥시리보핵산(deoxyribouncleic acid)의 조각을 라벨을 붙이기 위하여

Shotgun *
모든 게놈에 특별한 유전인자를 발견하기 위하여

Antisense genes *
RNA에서 유래하는 유전인자에 속한 유전인자들
세포에 유전인자의 표현을 멈추기 위하여

Gene Synthesis
영에서 유전인자를 만들기 위하여

전기 이동법


etic defects at a time.
11. Shotguning
This is used to find one particular gene in a whole genome, a bit like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. It is called the shotgun technique because it starts by indiscriminately breaking up the genome (like firing a shotgun at a soft target) and then sorting through the debris for the particular gene we want. For this to work a gene probe for the gene is needed, which means at least a short part of the gene’s sequence must be known.
12.Antisense Genes
These are used to turn off the expression of a gene in a cell. The principle is very simple: a copy of the gene to be switch off is inserted into the host genome the “wrong” way round, so that the complementary (or antisense) strand is transcribed. The antisense mRNA produced will anneal to the normal sense mRNA forming double-stranded RNA. Ribosomes can’t bind to this, so the mRNA is not translated, and the gene is effectively “switched off”.
13.Gene Synthesis
It is possible to chemically synthesise a gene in the lab by laboriously joining nucleotides together in the correct order. Automated machines can now make this much easier, but only up to a limit of about 30bp, so very few real genes could be made this way (anyway it’s usually much easier to make cDNA). The genes for the two insulin chains (xx bp) and for the hormone somatostatin (42 bp) have been synthesisied this way. It is very useful for making gene probes.
This is a form of chromatography used to separate different pieces of DNA on the basis of their length. It might typically be used to separate restriction fragments. The DNA samples are placed into wells at one end of a thin slab of gel made of agarose or polyacrylamide, and covered in a buffer solution. An electric current is passed through the gel. Each nucleotide in a molecule of DNA contains a negatively-charged phosphate group, so DNA is attracted to the anode (the positive electrode). The molecules have to diffuse through the gel, and smaller lengths of DNA move faster than larger lengths, which are retarded by the gel. So the smaller the length of the DNA molecule, the further down the gel it will move in a given time. At the end of the run the current is turned off.
Unfortunately the DNA on the gel cannot be seen, so it must be visualised. There are three common methods for doing this:
The gel can be stained with a chemical that specifically stains DNA, such as ethidium bromide or azure A. The DNA shows up as blue bands. This method is simple but not very sensitive.
The DNA samples at the beginning can be radiolabelled with a radioactive isotope such as 32
P. Photographic film is placed on top of the finished gel in the dark, and the DNA shows up as dark bands on the film. This method is extremely sensitive.
The DNA fragments at the beginning can be labelled with a fluorescent molecule. The DNA fragments show up as coloured lights when the finished gel is illuminated with invisible ultraviolet light.


유전자,   유전학,   DNA,   RNA,   전도연동
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2010.02.08
  • 저작시기2007.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#581925
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