향기마케팅, olfactory marketing
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Ⅰ. The definition of 'Aroma marketing'

Ⅱ. The origin of aroma marketing

Ⅲ. The kinds of aroma marketing
1. Examples of direct aroma marketing
1) "High class cars are fragrant" - GM's aroma marketing
2) Let's wear fragrant clothes!
3) Let's remove bad smell!
2. Examples of indirect aroma marketing
1) Attract customers with fragrance.
2) Recommendable fragrances

Ⅳ. Effects of Aroma marketing

Ⅴ. Merits of Aroma marketing

Ⅵ. Demerits of Aroma marketing

Ⅶ. Conclusion


rfully effective to diseases like a cold, headache and so on. And also, deodorants, aromatics and air fresheners which remove bad smell are included in products using aroma marketing. Some products using charcoal or other natural things have effects removing bad smell and lots of people use them. 'Febreze' is the good many people use nowadays because of its function of removing offensive smell. However, it is not good for our body as it removes offensive odors by chemical materials. So indiscreet uses of those products could be misuse or wrong use of chemical materials. If the firms improve technology to use natural things -not the chemical materials-, it would be good for health, increase profit and beneficial to every side.
When we select goods in Lotte mart or Homever, we are easily attracted by the sweet and tasty smell of bread and buy them even though we did not have any intention to purchase them. And after buying them, the probability of customers buying jam, butter, ham and some relative things they eat with bread. Like this example and researches I showed you above, fragrance stimulates our olfactory sense and induces consumers' interest. So it is exactly connected to increasing of the firms' profit.
The fragrance which is suit for a specific product increases profit and induces additional or relative purchases. Furthermore, it could be healthy for the customers and workers. So it is definitely important for firms to develop and manufacture good aroma products.


향기,   마케팅,   marketing,   olfactory,   aroma,   smell,   fragrant,   promotion
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2010.02.09
  • 저작시기2007.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#582041
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