영문 자기소개와 영작문 모음집
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
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영문 자기소개와 영작문 모음집에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 인간언어와 동물의 의사소통

2. 우리사회의 불행에 대하여...

3. 진기한 꿈

4. 한국인들의 이름에 대하여...

5. 너무도 헌신적인 나의 어머니

6. 한국의 애니메이션

7. [영문] 자기소개하기Ⅰ

8. [영문] 자기소개하기 Ⅱ

9. [영문] 자기소개하기 Ⅲ

10. [영문] 자기소개하기 Ⅳ

11. [영문] 자기소개하기 Ⅴ


serious on just one thing.
I am aware of that I have more weak points that strong points, and I am trying to improve my weak points.
Future plan
After I finish to serve in Army, I will go to graduate school to enhance my knowledge to be an expert.
I know that to achieve my dream, I will have to work incredibily hard, and make some changes in my life from now, I appreciate for your listening to my introduction. Thank you very much.
10. [영문] 자기소개하기 Ⅳ
How are you from the now it will send a secret intention introduction. I to 21 flesh and currently is to in the process of attending management department of information 2 grade. I to be born and refreshing li be living now in Bu Chun, the bedspread..
The secret intention families the father, the mother, the older sister, the younger sibling and B to be like this are five families. The father enterprise, the mother and the older sister are job to be, the younger sibling is college lifestyle. The secret intention hobby listens to, song the computer it does, motion picture is a back which it sees. me likes the ocean even other than. It sees the ocean and and the mind which is stuffy comes loose and Hwag well! it is same.. It is wide and it sees and enough two minds come to do the side. And secret intention character some it covers face it is to initially but. The hair hair it does, really only two khwu..
The A elder brother only it probably is like that, it is dispirited and the agony gets and it is a side which it thinks deeply. The food which it likes like the thin sliced barbecued beef, the spaghetti and the sushi and. I well not to hide the food i eat all well. Secret intention motto ' Live the life which is not the after sliced raw fish ' Is. Like the next my motto wants living the life which is not the after sliced raw fish. and always becomes the person who finishes the best at whole things and. It will finish a secret intention introduction at above.
11. [영문] 자기소개하기 Ⅴ
My English competence isn't that good but I hope you would understand it with broad mind. Anyway, My name is ...... and this name was created by my grandfather.
I have 6 family members. Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, elder sister and me.
As you see, I'm the youngest daughter of my family. All my family really like me and adore me. I've got to confess that I have somewhat egocentric personality. But I'm trying to overcome it very hard.
My favorite thing is to browse internet and to see the movies. Especially I really love to see the movies. Even my father judged me as moviemania
My favorite entertainers are Mr. Kang dong won, Seven, Dong Bhang Shin Kee.
And one of my current favorite soap operas are 'Full house' and "Lovers in Paris'
Sometimes My parents ittle worrie about me cause of not studying very hard. I'm still doing my best now.
My future goal is to become a teacher,even though I've got to study more harder.
I'm sure that I can reach and get the goal someday. Thank you all for listening my introduction.
  • 가격1,200
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2010.03.02
  • 저작시기2010.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#586151
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