한복에 대하여 (Hanbok)
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한복에 대하여 (Hanbok)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.



Change and History of Hanbok
-The three kingdoms
-The unified silla
-The age of enlightenment

Kinds of Hanbok
-Kinds of Hanbok-Gender
-Kinds of Hanbok-Event

How to put on Hanbok

Meanings of Hanbok

Hanbok in the modern society

Hanbok as a tourist attraction


g on the wrong days. The Hankbok Museum is not just a museum showing off Korean clothes. It shows all the events and the rituals people go through from birth to death, and what proper clothing they have to wear. You can witness in one view what proper Korean traditions are and what fitting clothes those occasions demand. All the hanboks at the museum are created by the hanbok designer Lee Ri-Ja herself, made with care and great attention to detail. All together there are about 300 kinds on display, and some are practical enough to be worn for daily living now. Besides hanboks, there are also ornaments and other small articles on display. You will fall in love with many of the beautiful ornaments you see. Once you have visited Gyeongbok Palace and Hanbok Museum, try visiting Gwanghwa-mun or Insa-dong. At Gwanghwa-mun, you can enjoy different kinds of modern Korean cultural activities, and at Insa-dong, you can experience traditional Korean art and culture.
To add to this, hanbok spreads all over the world. Example, there are paris and american. Founded in 2004 as a non-profit arts institution, Lee Young Hee Museum is dedicated to being the foremost museum of Korean’s artistic foothold in New York City. It is intended to evolve into an important Korean cultural asset for future generations. Central to Lee Young Hee Museum’s mission is to establish, preserve, exhibit and interpret Korean culture by the diverse international audiences that it serves. And in Paris, the hanbok museum is under construction. There will a small, preliminary exhibition area. Also it wil be a fascinating to see so many parisians entering, and expressing so much interest in the artifacts on display.
In Korea, there is a fastival about hanbok. It's the 'world hanbok fastival'. It was stared in Seoul, 2002. With 'hanbok model contest', the world hanbok fastival furnishes a sight. Thus, It informs the hanbok in life and our figure. This festival have to spread to the world. Then a citizan of the world will be known about hanbok.
I think that hanbok is a symbol of nation identity. Therefore we have to redouble our efforts for hanbok. Hanbok needs preservation and succession. Hanbok without tpreservation and succession cannot continue fascination as a tourist attraction. Therefore It is necessary to breed up hanbok specialists. So skill to make hanbok have to hand down to our posterity. And modern clothes to apply hanbok can be a charming tourist attraction. Then We can know the hanbok easily.
§Background information§
CBS homepage - www.cbsnews.com
Association of paris hanbok museum homepage - www.hanbokparis.com
Korea national tourism ornization homepage - www.knto.or.kr
Ministry of Culture & Tourism Republic of Korea - www.mct.go.kr
Korea folk village homepage - www.koreanfolk.co.kr
Cultural Heritage Administration - www.cha.go.kr
Hanbok: The art of korean clothing (by Sunny Yang)
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.30
  • 저작시기2006.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#606800
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