영어학개론 Chapter5 Morphology
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orm of never.)
a. Only NPs can be inflected for {PLU}.
b. Only NPs can be inflected for {POSS}.
c. Only Ns can be inflected for {POSS}.
d. Only Ns can be inflected for {PLU}.
e. Both (b) and (c)
-> (d) 오직 명사만이 복수형인 {PLU}을 가질 수 있다. Ne'er 는 명사가 아니다.
9. Identify the world-formation process that accounts for each of the following.
a. The word DINK was created from double income, no kids,
b. A woman describing clothing that was both grimy and crummy said, These pants are getting kinda grummy.
c. A college professor was overheard saying, incorrectly, Most AIDS are transmitted by... rather than Most AIDS is transmitted by....
d. A flight instructor told a student to check that all the Carter pins were in
place. (A cotter pin is a small metal rod that holds a nut to a bolt.)
e. A person arranging a meeting says, We'll liaise at 11:00.
f. Deluvy 'flood'is a late 19th-century word from Latin diluvium.
g. In the mid-19th century, a wartour was an embezzler. The world comes from Samuel Swartout, a member of President Andrew Johnson's administration, who misappropriated more than a million dollars in public funds.
-> a = acronym
b = blend
c = back formation
d = folk etymology
e = back formation
f = clipped form
g = proper name
10. There are two correct answers to the following question: What word-formation process accounts for the word ROTC < Reserve Officer training Corps? Explain
-> ROTC는 R-O-T-C 라고 발음된다. 이것은 abbreviation 이다. 반면에 "rot-see“라고 발음 되는 것은 acronym이다.
11. The English word brangle is an 18th-century blend meaning 'to quarrel or squabble.' Speculate on its source words. What word-formation process might account for its origin?
-> blend 이다. brawl + tangle = brangle
12. So-called "pharmazooticals" are drugs derived from animal sources(e.g., a blood pressure medicine derived from snake venom).
a. What word-formation process is illustrated by the word pharmazootical?
b. Compare other forms that use this process, as discussed elsewhere in this chapter. How does pharmazootical differ from them?
-> blend의 하나의 방법은 단어의 중간에 다른 단어를 삽입하는 것이다. 일반적으로는
한 단어의 끝에 다른 단어를 붙인다.
13. Consider the following forms from Kurdish, a language spoken in parts of both Iraq and Turkey.(Data has been regularized.)
aaqil 'wise' aaqilii 'forethought'
diz 'robber' dizii 'robbery'
draiz 'long' draizii 'length'
zaanaa 'wise' zaanaaii 'erudition'
garm 'warm' garmii 'warmth'
a. What type of affix is illustrated in this data?
-> derivational suffix
b. What is the form of the affix?
-> {-ii}
c. What is the function of the affix?
-> 형용사로 변화 시키거나 명사를 추상명사로 변화시킨다.
d. Identify an affix in English that serves the same function (choose an affix not already illustrated in the glosses given here).
-> {-ness] as in happy/happiness
e. Assume that raas means 'true'. What is a likely meaning for raasii?
-> 'truth‘
f. Two of the forms have the same gloss. What distinction might account for this?
-> 'wise'(현명함)란 단어는 2가지의 의미가 있다. 하나는 천부적으로 타고난 것을 가르키 며, 다른 하나는 배워서 습득한 것을 가르킨다.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2010.08.30
  • 저작시기2009.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#628601
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