polycystic ovary syndrom
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polycystic ovary syndrom에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Contents [hide]
1 Nomenclature
2 Definition
3 Symptoms
4 Risks
5 Diagnosis
6 Differential diagnosis
7 Pathogenesis
8 Treatment
8.1 Insulin lowering
8.1.1 Dietary therapy
8.1.2 Medications
8.2 Treatment of infertility
8.3 Treatment of hirsutism and acne
8.4 Treatment of menstrual irregularity, prevention of endometrial hyperplasia
8.5 Alternative approaches
9 See also
10 References


in-1 in modulating progesterone and oestradiol production by human luteinized granulosa cells in culture.". Hum Reprod 7 (10): 13614. PMID 1291559.
^ Gonzalez F, Rote N, Minium J, Kirwan J (2006). "Reactive oxygen species-induced oxidative stress in the development of insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovary syndrome.". J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91 (1): 33640. doi:10.1210/jc.2005-1696. PMID 16249279.
^ Agrawal R, Sharma S, Bekir J, Conway G, Bailey J, Balen AH, Prelevic G. (2004). "Prevalence of polycystic ovaries and polycystic ovary syndrome in lesbian women compared with heterosexual women.". JFertil Steril 82 (5): 13527.. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2004.04.041. PMID 15533359.
^ Hormone imbalance more common in lesbians. http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/2003/892229.htm?health
^ http://www.megavista-health.com/articles/health-conditions/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos
^ Marsh K, Brand-Miller J (August 2005). "The optimal diet for women with polycystic ovary syndrome?". Br. J. Nutr. 94 (2): 15465. PMID 16115348. http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0007114505001674.
^ a b Tan S, Hahn S, Benson S, et al. (2007). "Metformin improves polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms irrespective of pre-treatment insulin resistance". Eur. J. Endocrinol. 157 (5): 66976. doi:10.1530/EJE-07-0294. PMID 17984248. http://eje-online.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=17984248.
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^ Legro RS, Barnhart HX, Schlaff WD (2007). "Clomiphene, Metformin, or Both for Infertility in the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome". N Engl J Med 356 (6): 55166. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa063971. PMID 17287476.
^ Thessaloniki ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group (March 2008). "Consensus on infertility treatment related to polycystic ovary syndrome". Fertil. Steril. 89 (3): 50522. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.09.041. PMID 18243179.
^ Andy C, Flake D, French L (2005). "Clinical inquiries. Do insulin-sensitizing drugs increase ovulation rates for women with PCOS?". J Fam Pract 54 (2): 156, 15960. PMID 15689292. http://www.jfponline.com/Pages.asp?AID=1867.
^ Nestler J E, Jakubowicz D J, Reamer P, Gunn R D, Allan G (1999). "Ovulatory and metabolic effects of D-chiro-inositol in the polycystic ovary syndrome". N Engl J Med 340 (17): 131420. doi:10.1056/NEJM199904293401703. PMID 10219066.
^ Iuorno M J, Jakubowicz D J, Baillargeon J P, Dillon P, Gunn R D, Allan G, Nestler J E (2002). "Effects of d-chiro-inositol in lean women with the polycystic ovary syndrome". Endocr Pract 8 (6): 41723. PMID 15251831.
^ Larner J (2002). "D-chiro-inositol--its functional role in insulin action and its deficit in insulin resistance". Int J Exp Diabetes Res 3 (1): 4760. doi:10.1080/15604280212528. PMID 11900279.
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