Theories of instruction
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Theories of instruction에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Descriptive or prescriptive theories of instruction
2. Skinner's reinforcement theory
3. Brunner's discovery learning theory
4. Ausubel's meaningful reception learning
5. Prescriptive theories of instruction of Gagne and Briggs
6. Merrill's component display theory
7. Reigeluth's elaboration theory


on, usually friendly and simple organized concepts are suggested, then, to conduct a designated project, suggest stepwise technology or more specific and complicated contents. Usually, after suggesting a main organized contents, an assistant contents is suggested. At this time, assistant contents have to be placed on related place each other with consideration for relationship with main organized contents. And, prior learning elements also have to be placed in the necessary right position through relating with learning contents. And, it is good for same grade of rank concepts to organize, before suggesting procedure, it is good for helpful principle about understanding procedure process to suggest preferentially.
Summarizer is the elements for reviewing learned contents more systematically. Summarizer usually is suggested at the finish of lesson. Because summarizer is already summarized contents about whole lesson. And produce essential statement, typical and easy-memorized example.
Synthesizer is integrating one problem situation into several of concept types. Role of synthesizer is providing essential and valuable knowledge about learner, and is promotive of deep understanding about each idea, and improves interest about teaching overall, also improve recollection about learned contents.
ㆍFigure of speech
Figure of speech is relating with friendly concepts that learner learned already. Figure of speech helps learner receive abstractive and complicated idea.
Of elaboration theory, learner control is very important. That is a strategy for learner to control theirselves about how they learn theirselves as providing alternative. Learner control can be divided as a control of learning contents and teaching strategy of learner. At first, control of learning contents is providing completion right about lesson that learner already implement. While, teaching strategy control of learner is providing right of control to select learning sequence and amount, type that is micro elements.
Elaboration theory's teaching design stage is like below. On stage 1, select type of organization content. Whether conceptual elaboration or procedual elaboration or theoretical elaboration. On stage 2, display a structure of organization. Then, on stage 3, assign contents of organization relative with elaboration levels. That is deciding graded elaboration levels about epitome and organization contents. Here, epitome is suggesting the most simple and ordinary concept. On stage 4, assign assistant contents of organization round an elaboration levels. Here stage, identify and decide assistant contents. On stage 5, organize all content. Here, scope of lesson is decided, as a scope, teaching contents are different. On stage 6, all content of each lesson is sequenced. Here, position of strategy of motivation, figure of speech, synthesizer, summarizer is decided. Lastly, last stage is for starting micro design. Here, lesson contents are incarnated.
  • 가격5,500
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2016.01.27
  • 저작시기2016.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#993376
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