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  • 기업신용보고서
  • 취업자료
  • 파워포인트배경
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취업자료 2건

of shipping business. I think I am well suited for this kind of work since I am knowledgeable in areas such as shipping and logistics, etc. from both my academic studies in university and actual experiences visiting customs and harbors in Korea through study groups and school seminars. Especially, I
  • 가격 800원
  • 등록일 2009.06.23
  • 파일종류 워드(doc)
  • 직종구분 무역, 영업, 마케팅
for me to realize my aspirations in the field of physics. I look forward to the intellectual challenges and discoveries that await me on this exciting academic journey. 1. Preferred study field in detail (관심연구 분야) 2. Study Plan (학업계획서) 3. Personal Statement (자기소개서)
  • 가격 4,000원
  • 등록일 2024.01.19
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 직종구분 기타
이전 1 다음