미국 신경제 호황과 불황에 관한 연구
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2. 신경제의 등장 : 90년대 장기호황과 그 요인

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5. 맺으며 : 한국에 주는 시사점


Hellman, Thomas and Puri, Manju. 1999. The Interaction between Product Market and Financing Strategy: The Role of Venture Capital. Graduate School of Business. Research Paper. No. 1561. Stanford University.
Hossein-Zadeh, Ismael and Gabb, Anthony. 2000. Making Sense of Current Expansion of the US Economy: A Long Wave Approach and a Critique. mimeo.
Jorgenson, Dale, W. and Stiroh, Kevin, J. 2000. Raising the Speed Limit : Economic Growth in the Infomation Age. Brookings Papers on Macroeconomics.
Lakonishok, Josef, Shleifer, Andrew, and Vishny, Robert W. 1992. The Structure and Performance of the Money Management Industry. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics.
Lee, Kangkook. 2001. A Tale of Two Relationship-based Financial Systems: Main Bank System vs. Venture Capital System. mimeo. University of Massachusetts.
Lerner, Josh. 1997. An Empirical Exploration of a Technology Race. Rand Journal of Economics. Vol. 28. No. 2.
Litan, Robert E. and Rivlin, Alice M. 2000 The Economy and the Internet; What Lies Ahead? Conference Report. No. 4. Brookings Institution.
Mandel, Michael, 2000. Coming Internet Depression: Basic Books.
Minsky, Hyman. 1986. Stabilizing Unstable Economy. Yale University Press.
Monthly Review editors. 2001. The New Economy: Myth and Reality. Monthly Review. vol 52. no. 11.
Moseley, Fred. 1997. The Rate of Profit and the Future of Capitalism. Review of Radical Political Economy. vol. 29. no. 4.
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Nordhaus, William D. 2000. Productivity Growth and the New Economy. NBER Working paper No. 8096.
OECD. 1999., OECD Workshops on the Economics of the Information Society: A Synthesis of Policy Implications. OECD.
Oliner, Stephen D. and Sichel, Daniel E. 2000. The Resurgence of Growth in the Late 1990s: Is Information Technology the Story? Washington D. C. Federal Reserve Board.
Palley, Thomas I. 2001. Contradictions Coming Home to Roost: Income Distribution and the Return of the Aggregate Demand Problem. Paper presented at 11th Annual Hyman Minsky Conference. Jerome Levy Economics Institute.
Poterba, James, K. 2000. Stock Market Wealth and Consumption. Journal of Economic Perspective. Spring 2000.
Roberts, John. 2001. Estimates of the Productivity Trend Using Time-Varying Parameter Techniques. Federal Reserve Board Working Paper No. 2001-08.
Shapiro, Robert J. 2000. Thoughts on Growth in the New Economy. Informationa Impacts, 2000. 9.
Shiller, Rorbert. 2000. Irrational Exuberance. Princeton University Press.
Singh, Ajit, Singh Alaka, and Weisse, Bruce. 2000. Information Technology, Venture Capital and the Stock Market. mimeo.
Toporowski, Jan. 1999. Monetary Policy in en Era of Capital Market Inflation. Working Paper No. 279. Jerome Levy Economics Institute.
U.S. Department of Commerce. 1998. The Emerging Digital Economy I.
_____. 1999. The Emerging Digital Economy II.
_____. 2000. Digital Economy 2000.


미국,   신경제,   호황,   불황
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수19페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.06
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#198022
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