일식 레스토랑 창업성공을 위한 운영특성과 창업가의 자질에 관한
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
2.1 창업의 의의
2.2 창업의 성공요인
2.3 일식레스토랑 창업의 성공요인

Ⅲ. 연구방법
3.1 선행연구에 따른 연구모형의 도출
3.2 조사방법

Ⅳ. 연구결과의 분석
4.1 기술적 빈도분석
4.2 성공한 일식 창업의 운영상 특성
4.3 일식레스토랑 창업성공에 영향을 미치는 요인의 분석
4.4 요리경력 유무에 따른 요인의 비교
4.5 분석결과의 의미

Ⅴ. 결 론



D., Understanding Small Business Sector, Routledge, London. (1993).
12. Timmons, Jeffry A., New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, Irwin Mcgrowhill, Burr Ridge, Illinois, 4th Edition. (1994).
13. Timmons, Jeffry A. Venture Creation Management, 4th edition, (1994).
14. Watson, K., Hogarth-Scott, S., and Nicholas Wilson, "Small Business Start-ups: Success Factors and Support Implications", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. Vol. 4, No. 3, (1998).
15. 宇井義行, 小さな居酒屋で大成功する法, こう書房, (2000).
16. 박춘엽, 박영배, 중소기업경영론, 학문사, (1998)
17. 장대성, 홍석기 "한국 대학생의 창업교육효과에 관한 성별(性別) 비교 연구", 대한경영학회, 제14권 제1호, (2001), pp. 105-124
18. 장대성, "창업교육이 벤처정신과 자질에 미치는 영향", 한국OA학회, 제5권 제3호, (2000), pp. 171-190.
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19. 정봉원, 외식사업과 창업론, 형설출판사, (2000).
20. 한국외식사업연구소, 외식사업실무론, 백산출판사, (1995).
21. 한국음식업중앙회, '외식산업연감', 1999, '회원자료', (2001).

A Study on the Operational Characteristics and Entrepreneurship for Successful Creation of Japanese Restaurant Business
Chang, Dae-Sung*·So, Jae-Koo**·Lim, Seong-Bae***
Since the advent of I.M.F. system, the revolutionary restructuring of companies has prevailed in Korea. As a result, many people both in the private and public sectors lost their jobs. In order to overcome high unemployment rate problem, the central government has tried to give strong support and motivation to individuals who want to launch small start-ups, which is not based on high technology. In addition, many local institutions have supported fund and education programs for them.
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Under this situation, one of the most popular items chosen by those non-technical entrepreneurs is restaurant management. However, it is very difficult to succeed in restaurant business. Especially, the Japanese-style restaurants have less chance for success, compared with Korean-style ones, which take up over 50% of all restaurants in Korea.
Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to identify critical success factors for japanese-restaurant establishment. So, this study did empirical analysis focused on (1) the characteristics of entrepreneurs who launched Japanese style restaurant and (2) operational characteristics of restaurants.
The result of this study suggests that those who have a sense of responsibility and willpower to acquire up-to-date knowledge show higher level of success rate. In the operation of restaurants, high salaried chef, investment on the food display with an active and innovative marketing policy rather than specialized menus and interior decoration are identified as critical success factors for creation of Japanese-style business.
* Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Business Administration, Kyonggi University
** Professional Service Management of Graduate School Kyonggi University
*** Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Management, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Key Words : venture creation, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, restaurant venture creation, operational characteristics
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2002.08.02
  • 저작시기2002.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#200110
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