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영어(시제)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




= He will go to America next week.
(2) 진행형을 쓸 수 없는 동사
exist, be(존재하다), seem, appear, see, hear ,know, love, hate, have, possess, belong to, resemble
* I am seeing a beautiful lily. (X)
I see a beautiful lily. (O)
cf. I am looking at a beautiful lily. (O)
* I am hearing the music. (X)
I hear the music. (O) (나는 음악을 듣고 있다.)
cf. I am listening to the music. (O) (나는 음악을 듣고 있는 중이다.)
She is resembling her father. (X)
This book is belonging to them. (X)
He is having his car washed. (X)
단, 동사의 의미가 바뀌는 경우에는 진행형이 가능하다.
She is having breakfast now. (= eating)
They are having a good time. (= enjoying themselves)
He is having a bath. (목욕하다.)
He is seeing the sights of Cheju. (관광하다.)
She was seeing her friend off. (전송하다.)
They are hearing the famous psychologist's lecture. (청강하다)
예 제
1. It is estimated that about half of all American children are belonging to
⒜ ⒝
some scouting organization even if only for a short time.
⒞ ⒟
(정답) 1.⒝
시제 종합 문제
* 빈 칸형은 알맞은 것을 밑줄 형은 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
1. Pound settled in England in 1908, Yeats had adopted a romantic version of Irish nationalism. (단국대)
⒜ Long before ⒝ Since ⒞ Because
⒟ After ⒠ Now that
2. The young guy to drugs ever since he entered his junior high school.(단국대)
⒜ had been addicted ⒝ has been addicted
⒞ has addicted ⒟ had addicted
⒠ addicted
3. The water was strewn with broken masts and pieces of timber which the cannon balls from the ships.(단국대)
⒜ knocked ⒝ were knocked ⒞ were knocking ⒟ had knocked
⒠ had been knocked
4. In 1957, the appearance of ⒜ the first Soviet satellite ⒝ has created a panic in the United States that continued ⒞ for ⒟ nearly a decade.
5. ⒜ Throughout the Middle Ages women ⒝ work ⒞ beside men, knowing that the efforts of men and women alike were ⒟ essential to survival.
6. Since she moved, the woman ⒜ has lived next door ⒝ to the warehouse and ⒞ went to the mill once a day ⒟ to gather grains.(숙대)
7. Chelsey and her friends to the Steeltop concert last night.
⒜ gone ⒝ have gone ⒞ went ⒟ have went
8. As luck would have it we arrived just when they were .(세종대)
⒜ leaving ⒝ arrived ⒞ left ⒟ to leaving
9. I have not seen him .(세종대)
⒜ during a week ⒝ last week ⒞ next week ⒟ for a week
10. Since a long time parents have known that their children have
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
different life styles.(인하대)

11. I ( ) from Stanford University in 1994.(중앙대)
⒜ graduated ⒝ have been graduated
⒞ am graduated ⒟ have graduated
12. In many ⒜parts of the United States, ⒝houses are considerably more energy efficient than they ⒞are a decade ⒟ago.(홍익대)
13. Her father has not heard from her ( ) to New York. (강남대)
⒜ because she went ⒝ before she went
⒞ when she went ⒟ since she went
14.다음 중 틀린 것을 고르시오.(동국대)
⒜ One day Lucy was sitting and offering psychiatric help for five cents.
⒝ The mayor asked how he was doing.
⒞ Mrs. Stein told the people in the room that she and Marilyn have been to Italy.
⒟ The mayor asked the people to assess his progress.
1.⒜ 2.⒝ 3.⒟ 4.⒝ 5.⒝ 6.⒞ 7.⒞ 8.⒜ 9.⒟ 10.⒜ 11.⒜ 12.⒞ 13.⒟ 14.⒞
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2003.09.29
  • 저작시기2003.09
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#225128
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