사회자: Why some people want anti-screen quota movement?
호현 : The gradually reduced screen quota is also needed for producing high-quality local films. The competition with the Hollywood blockbusters can urge local movie makers to develop expertise in producing domestic films.
정해 : In addition, the competition with the Hollywood films will be unavoidable for domestic film companies to into overseas markets.
성규 : However cultural product(films), which should not be regarded as a mere commercial products, be protected for the development of local film industry.
so, with like this reason, directors have more will to direct cultural product. In conclusion there are more good movies.
승현 : I think that local cinemas have been flooded with poorly made domestic films with the help of the screen quota system,
정해 : and the quota regime might be no longer means of shielding the local movies, but of doing harm to the films quality.
석균 : the quota system give for independent film makers to few chances of showing their films in local cinemas, while providing great privilege only for some comparatively big-budget film makers in the domestic movie circles.
사회자: you mean is it time to consider reducing 146 mandatory days of the quota system to the appropriate level?
호현 : The gradually reduced screen quota is also needed for producing high-quality local films. The competition with the Hollywood blockbusters can urge local movie makers to develop expertise in producing domestic films.
정해 : In addition, the competition with the Hollywood films will be unavoidable for domestic film companies to into overseas markets.
성규 : However cultural product(films), which should not be regarded as a mere commercial products, be protected for the development of local film industry.
so, with like this reason, directors have more will to direct cultural product. In conclusion there are more good movies.
승현 : I think that local cinemas have been flooded with poorly made domestic films with the help of the screen quota system,
정해 : and the quota regime might be no longer means of shielding the local movies, but of doing harm to the films quality.
석균 : the quota system give for independent film makers to few chances of showing their films in local cinemas, while providing great privilege only for some comparatively big-budget film makers in the domestic movie circles.
사회자: you mean is it time to consider reducing 146 mandatory days of the quota system to the appropriate level?
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