ights should be protected. Sometimes, they resist the punishment or prejudice of the teacher, but they don't consider the behavior they did. Students want to be free from control in the school.
교권과 학생인권의 갈등을 해소하고 균형을 맞추기 위해 교사나 학교가 할 수 있는 방안 (p179, 183)
> Human rights education should be conducted from the point of view of Integrative education. Teachers can emphasize human rights in subject lesson. Teachers analyze elements about human rights in the content of textbook and apply it to the lesson.
> various experiential activities에 참여할 기회 제공 - promote active participation in club activities or voluntary work (봉사활동)
ㄱ. 학생들은 real contexts or situations에서 인권에 관한 많은 것들을 경험 할 수 있다. 인권에 관한 자료를 찾아 볼 수 있다.
> Setting up the rules for democratic classroom management is important. In the beginning of the school year, students have some time to discuss the rules of the classroom and they reach an agreement. Students play an important role when decisions are made in the classroom.
> The school should provide the special system to prevent the violation of human rights.
> The school should conduct human rights education for students, teachers and parents regularly.
면접 용어 정리
alternative education/schools 대안교육/학교
school bullying/violence 학교폭력
problem behavior 문제 행동
learning disability or learning difficulty 학습장애
school underachievement 학습부진
school lunch/meal 학교급식
facilities for providing meals 급식시설
vocational education 직업교육
get a career counseling 진로 상담을 받다
take an aptitude test 적성검사를 받다
양호실 nurse's office
학력: students' scholastic ability/ academic achievement
수석교사: veteran/ senior teachers
수학여행: school excursion/ field trip
가난한 학생: children from underprivileged families
유명대학: top-notch/renowned universities
입시위주교육: entrance exam-focused education
벼락치기공부: cramming educational culture
부모의 교육열: the educational zeal of parents
영어로 수업가능한 선생님: Korean teachers qualified in teaching English in English
공교육 강화: strengthening public education
사교육: private education/ after-school tutoring
영어전용교실: classrooms specifically arranged for English lessons
Our future depends on our students. I wish to give hopes and dreams to students. My dream is to enhance our education and to contribute to nurturing talented young individuals.
보충수업: supplementary class/ complementary class
방과후수업: after-school programs
교외학업을 감당할 능력이 없는 부모: parents who do not have the ability to accommodate the extra-curricular activities
학생잠재력 실현: realize the potentials of children (beyond the fortunes of their parents)
과잉교육: "education inflation"
도덕적모범: set a positive ethical example to students
창의적재량활동: creative discretionary activities
생활기록부: a school life record
진학지도: career counseling
자치활동: self-regulated activities
계발활동:self-development activities
인성교육: character (building)education/ humanistic education
Most students bullied their peers because “it was fun,” followed by reasons such as anger they felt during everyday life and also because they wanted to have some type of control over others.
교권과 학생인권의 갈등을 해소하고 균형을 맞추기 위해 교사나 학교가 할 수 있는 방안 (p179, 183)
> Human rights education should be conducted from the point of view of Integrative education. Teachers can emphasize human rights in subject lesson. Teachers analyze elements about human rights in the content of textbook and apply it to the lesson.
> various experiential activities에 참여할 기회 제공 - promote active participation in club activities or voluntary work (봉사활동)
ㄱ. 학생들은 real contexts or situations에서 인권에 관한 많은 것들을 경험 할 수 있다. 인권에 관한 자료를 찾아 볼 수 있다.
> Setting up the rules for democratic classroom management is important. In the beginning of the school year, students have some time to discuss the rules of the classroom and they reach an agreement. Students play an important role when decisions are made in the classroom.
> The school should provide the special system to prevent the violation of human rights.
> The school should conduct human rights education for students, teachers and parents regularly.
면접 용어 정리
alternative education/schools 대안교육/학교
school bullying/violence 학교폭력
problem behavior 문제 행동
learning disability or learning difficulty 학습장애
school underachievement 학습부진
school lunch/meal 학교급식
facilities for providing meals 급식시설
vocational education 직업교육
get a career counseling 진로 상담을 받다
take an aptitude test 적성검사를 받다
양호실 nurse's office
학력: students' scholastic ability/ academic achievement
수석교사: veteran/ senior teachers
수학여행: school excursion/ field trip
가난한 학생: children from underprivileged families
유명대학: top-notch/renowned universities
입시위주교육: entrance exam-focused education
벼락치기공부: cramming educational culture
부모의 교육열: the educational zeal of parents
영어로 수업가능한 선생님: Korean teachers qualified in teaching English in English
공교육 강화: strengthening public education
사교육: private education/ after-school tutoring
영어전용교실: classrooms specifically arranged for English lessons
Our future depends on our students. I wish to give hopes and dreams to students. My dream is to enhance our education and to contribute to nurturing talented young individuals.
보충수업: supplementary class/ complementary class
방과후수업: after-school programs
교외학업을 감당할 능력이 없는 부모: parents who do not have the ability to accommodate the extra-curricular activities
학생잠재력 실현: realize the potentials of children (beyond the fortunes of their parents)
과잉교육: "education inflation"
도덕적모범: set a positive ethical example to students
창의적재량활동: creative discretionary activities
생활기록부: a school life record
진학지도: career counseling
자치활동: self-regulated activities
계발활동:self-development activities
인성교육: character (building)education/ humanistic education
Most students bullied their peers because “it was fun,” followed by reasons such as anger they felt during everyday life and also because they wanted to have some type of control over others.
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