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전문지식 21,892건

the Lowood School, Jane finds that her life is far from idyllic. The school’s headmaster is Mr. Brocklehurst, a cruel, hypocritical, and abusive man. Brocklehurst preaches a doctrine of poverty and privation to his students while using the school’s funds to provide a wealthy and opulent lifestyle fo
  • 페이지 17페이지
  • 가격 2,000원
  • 등록일 2010.07.17
  • 파일종류 워드(doc)
  • 참고문헌 없음
  • 최근 2주 판매 이력 없음
of prerogative. This is a tendency towards the American type?of governments joined with governments for the pursuit of common purposes, in honorary equality and honorable subordination. Like principles of civil liberty are everywhere fostering like methods of government; and if comparative studies o
  • 페이지 26페이지
  • 가격 3,000원
  • 등록일 2012.03.13
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 참고문헌 없음
  • 최근 2주 판매 이력 없음
The failure of the age discrimination in employment act of 1967. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 38(1), 930. 14) Van Dalen, H. P., Henkens, K., & Schippers, J. (2009). Dealing with older workers in Europe: A comparative survey of employers’ attitudes and actions. Journal of European Social
  • 페이지 9페이지
  • 가격 4,500원
  • 등록일 2022.08.25
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 참고문헌 있음
  • 최근 2주 판매 이력 없음
The Role of the World Bank. Washington, DC : World Bank. World Bank.(1992). Governance and Development. Washington, DC : World Bank. Wraith, Ronald & Edgar Simpkins.(1978). Nepotism and Bribery in West Africa. in Arnold J. heidenheimer. ed.. Political Corruption : Readings in Comparative Analysis. N
  • 페이지 15페이지
  • 가격 2,000원
  • 등록일 2003.10.29
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 참고문헌 있음
  • 최근 2주 판매 이력 없음
The Economic of Alcohol Policy, WHO Regional Publications, European Series No 61. Cohenhagen, Denmark: WHO 1995 Levine HG, What is an alcohol-related problems? Journal of Drug Issues, Winter :45-60, 1984. Makela, K., Room, R., Single, E., Sulkunen, P. et. al. Alcohol, Society, and the State: 1. A C
  • 페이지 18페이지
  • 가격 2,800원
  • 등록일 2011.02.08
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 참고문헌 있음
  • 최근 2주 판매 이력 없음

논문 436건

Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine statistically the feminisms of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Virginia Woolf’s A Room of one’s Own. These two literary works are both feministic but they have different shapes, objectives and symbolic elements. Both of them claimed that women wan
  • 페이지 21페이지
  • 가격 3,000원
  • 발행일 2010.10.31
  • 파일종류 워드(doc)
  • 발행기관
  • 저자
a book /is very useful hobby. <to 부정사> → 책을 읽는다는 것은 매우 유용한 취미이다. ※다음 문장의 주어 부분 전체에 밑줄을 긋고 우리말로 옮기시오. 1. Every teenager (between the ages of 12 and 17) /can join the club. →12살과 17살 사이에 있는 모든 십
  • 페이지 13페이지
  • 가격 2,000원
  • 발행일 2010.11.09
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 발행기관
  • 저자
A comparative study of teacher talk in English class between English L1 and Chinese L1 Teacher. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 28(3), Great achievements on classroom discourse research has been made in China and empirical research using the method of discourse analysis on teacher talk
  • 페이지 18페이지
  • 가격 28,000원
  • 발행일 2023.02.22
  • 파일종류 워드(doc)
  • 발행기관
  • 저자
A look at their academic performance. American Journal of Education: 121-159. Lee, Yongsook(1991). Koreans in Japan and the United States. In M. A. Gibson and J. U. Ogbu(eds.), Minority status and schooling: A comparative study of immigrant and involuntary minorities(pp. 131-168). New York: Garland
  • 페이지 36페이지
  • 가격 3,300원
  • 발행일 2013.11.12
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 발행기관
  • 저자
and Revisit Intention. Korean J Culinary Res 10(4): 84-95. Kang SUNa YS (2004). The Analysis toward Consumption State, Import and Export in the World Coffee Market: The Case of Korea, U.S.A., Japan Market. Korean J Culinary Res 10(3): 65-82. Kim DJKim GJ (2010). A Comparative Study between Product a
  • 페이지 15페이지
  • 가격 3,000원
  • 발행일 2010.12.21
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 발행기관
  • 저자

취업자료 346건

the boundaries of knowledge make it the perfect environment for me to realize my aspirations. I am eager to contribute to the vibrant academic community at UNIST, immerse myself in transformative research, and embark on a journey of intellectual exploration and discovery. 1. Preferred study fie
  • 가격 4,000원
  • 등록일 2024.01.19
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 직종구분 기타
and broadening my mind to the world. I believe I will be able to benefit a lot from this program and I have intellectual ability and energy to do so. After completing this program, I would like to study further to work at a broadcasting center. I hope I will be a unique reporter who makes fresh and
  • 가격 2,300원
  • 등록일 2002.11.14
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 직종구분 전문직
own choice during my life, and to be responsible for my determination. After finishing high school in Februay 1999, I entered the department of mathmatic at Chonbuk National University. The undergraduate curriculum included not only the core mathmatic classes such as a differential equation, ana
  • 가격 1,700원
  • 등록일 2002.09.11
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 직종구분 전문직
the right direction. Application number I. Personal Statement Describe a major personal, preferably non-academic, experience that has had a major impact on your life. Explain how and why this event has changed your life in terms of your own value formation and/or character development. II.
  • 가격 2,000원
  • 등록일 2010.01.12
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 직종구분 기타
and my mother is a housemaker. 그리고 누나들은 학생입니다 My sisters are students. 저의 취미는 노래 부르기 그리고 당구 입니다 Hobbies are singing and playing pool. 학교에서 스터디 클럽의 회원으로 나름대로 공부를 열심히 하고있습니다 I'm a member of study club
  • 가격 1,100원
  • 등록일 2004.04.22
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
  • 직종구분 전문직