강도별 복합운동이 남성호르몬 및 정자특성에 미치는 영향
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강도별 복합운동이 남성호르몬 및 정자특성에 미치는 영향에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


목 차

Ⅰ. 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성
2. 연구의 목적
3. 연구의 가설
4. 연구의 제한점
5. 용어의 정의

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 남성호르몬
2. 운동과 남성호르몬
3. 환경호르몬
4. 호르몬 교란에 의한 남성 성기능 장애
5. 정자의 특성
6. 운동과 정자 특성과의 관계

Ⅲ. 연 구 방 법
1. 연구대상
2. 연구기간 및 절차
3. 측정항목 및 도구
4. 실험설계
5. 실험절차 및 측정항목
6. 자료처리

Ⅳ. 연 구 결 과

참 고 문 헌


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Schwartz, D., Mayaux, M.J., Spira, A., Moscato, M.L., Jouannet, P., Czyglik, F. & David, G.(1983). Semen characteristics as a function of age in 833 fertile men. Fertil. Steril., 4:530-535.
Smallridge RC, Whorton NE, Burman KD, Ferguson EW. Effects of exercise and physical fitness on the pituitary- thyroid axis and on prolactin secretion in male runners. Metabolism 34:949-954, 1985.
Vanhelder, W. P., Randomski, M. W., Goode, R. C., & Casey, K. (1985). Hormonal and metabolic response to three types of exercise of equal duration and external work output. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 54(4), 337-342.
Vogel, R.B., Books, C.N., Ketchum, C., Zauner, C.W., & Murray, F.T.,(!984). Increase of free and total testosterone during submaximal exercise in nomal males. Med. Sci. Sports. 17 : 119-123.
WHO(1992). WHO laboratory manual for the examination of human semen and sperm-cervical mucus interaction. Cambridge university 3rd : 1-7.
The Effect of Combined Exercise on
Male Sexual Hormone and Sperm Characteristics
Han, Sang-In
Department of Sports
and Well-being The Graduate school of
HanYang University
An object of this research is offering a proper stage of complex exercise (weight training and aerobic exercise) to prevent or to protect the present male from disturbance of the genital organs system which is caused by Endocrine disruptor and so forth. To achieve this goal, two contrast groups which had taken complex exercise at 60% and at 80% stage for 8 weeks were compared. The result will be followed.
1. Change of physical composition
There were no statistical meanings about differences of weights, amount of skeletal muscles and fatbetween two groups before and after the test, but there was a meaningful result when it came to the same group before and after thetest. The group at 60% stage showed a meaningful difference of skeletal muscles statistically (p<.05).
2. Change of male hormone
There were no statistical meaningsabout differences of testosterone and free testosterone between two groups before and after the test, and also no meaningful difference for each group before and after the test (p<.05).
3. Change of sperm-properties
There were no statistical meanings about differences of the number of sperms, amount of sperms, activity of sperms, and the shape of sperms between two groups before and after the test, but there was a meaningful result when it came to the same group before and after the test. The group at 80% stage showed a meaningful difference of the number of sperms, amount of sperms, and activity of sperms statistically (p<.05).
This research showed that the group at 80% stage showed a meaningful increase of the number of sperms, amount of sperms, and activity of sperms statistically. Therefore, it is considerable that intense complex exercise over 80% can prevent or protect the present male from sterility and improve the male genital organs system.


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수53페이지
  • 등록일2009.04.10
  • 저작시기2008.2
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#529390
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