뚜레쥬르 회사 분석, 경영방침 및 회사 내부 경영방침 소개 - 영문 레포트
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뚜레쥬르 회사 분석, 경영방침 및 회사 내부 경영방침 소개 - 영문 레포트에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


cover page


Organizational system.

The system structure of Toulesjour

Technologies and development

System employment opportunities





Toulesjour is the organization providing European style breads, cakes and coffees. It is operating in South Korea with approximately 1400 branches located in different part of the country (info toulesjour, 2012). Despite the short history of company operation, the company grew tremendously larger with its number of branches(Appendix A) and profit. It is because the organization studied the market and it’s competitors to become more successful. The article from Business times claim that the successful organization should study well with its market as well as competitors (don’t tell 8 steps to become successful organization, 1995). Toulesjour conducted new system concept to support its food production and delivery system. The organization has been developing new products and services to be more competitive among its competitors.
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2017.12.01
  • 저작시기2012.4
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#1040005
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