[영문] (영어-교양) Romanesque to Northern Renaissance(미국대학교 Humanity 교양수업 과제)
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[영문] (영어-교양) Romanesque to Northern Renaissance(미국대학교 Humanity 교양수업 과제)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Romanesque to Northern Renaissance
Until about 1000, people did not recognize outside of their villages because their lives started and ended within their towns; they thought the land was flat that space was limited. And then in Romanesque (1000-1150), people regarded “the world is an only temporary, [and] permanent reality lies beyond life in this world” (Linda). Therefore, works of art did not need to be the same as the physical world; generally they are stylized. For instance, German multi-talent nun, Hildegard of Bingen, left illustration for Scivias-The Way to Knowledge. Figures are again stylized. In terms of proportion, figures have small heads to the bodies, and architecture or background which merely appears for background is neither in proportion nor relative to any landscape. Moreover, in terms of perspective, it is ambiguous where the figure stands and is seated. Garment’s folds are described as a linear modeling of light and shadow to give the sense of three dimensions, but those are in pattern, so folds are not like in this world. Furthermore, the choice of color was her idea, so every element is more decorative in color.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2019.02.23
  • 저작시기2019.1
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#1081309
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