Spasticity management
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ondary outcome measures were not significant either.
- Conclusion : The present study did not detect a significant difference between EMG-triggered and cyclic electrical stimulation with respect to improvement of motor function of the affected arm in chronic stroke.
1. Amir H Bakhtiary. Does electrical stimulation reduce spasticity after stroke? A randomized controlled study. Clinical Rehabilitation 2008;22(5):418-425.
2. Turk R, Burridge JH, Davis R, Cosendai G, Sparrow O, Roberts HC, Hughes A-M, Schulman J. Therapeutic effectiveness of electric stimulation of the upper-limb poststroke using implanted microstimulators. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008;89:1913-22.
3. Joke R de Kroon, Maarten J IJzerman. Electrical stimulation of the upper extremity in stroke: cyclic versus EMG-triggered stimulation. Clinical Rehabilitation 2008; 22: 69097.
4. Yukihiro Hara, Yoshihiro Muraoka. Effect of Power-Assisted Functional Electrical Stimulation on Hemiparetic Upper Extremity Function. 11th Annual Conference of the International FES Society September 2006 Zao, Japan.
5. L. Sonde, C. Gip, S. E. Fernaeus, C. G. Nilsson, M. Viitanen. Stimulation with low frequency(1.7Hz) transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (Low-TENS) increases motor function of the post stroke paretic arm. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;30(2):95-99.
Combined (Electrical simulation + α)
1. Amir H Bakhtiary (2008)
- Subjects : Forty stroke patients (aged from 42 to 65 years) with ankle plantarflexor spasticity
- Intervention : Fifteen minutes of inhibitory Bobath techniques were applied to one experimental group and a combination of 9 minutes of electrical stimulation on the dorsiflexor muscles and inhibitory Bobath techniques was applied to another group for 20 sessions daily.
- Main measures : Passive ankle joint dorsiflexion range of motion, dorsiflexion strength test, plantarflexor muscle tone by Modified Ashworth Scale and soleus muscle H-reflex.
- Results : The mean change of passive ankle joint dorsiflexion in the combination therapy group was 11.4 (SD 4.79) degrees versus 6.1 (SD 3.09) degrees, which was significantly higher (P = 0.001). The mean change of plantarflexor muscle tonicity measured by the Modified Ashworth Scale in the combination therapy group was -1.6 (SD 0.5) versus -1.1 (SD 0.31) in the Bobath group (P = 0.001). Dorsiflexor muscle strength was also increased significantly (P = 0.04) in the combination therapy group (0.7 ± 0.37) compared with the Bobath group (0.4 ± 0.23). However, no significant change in the amplitude of H-reflex was found between combination therapy (-0.41 ± 0.29) and Bobath (-0.3 ± 0.28) groups.
- Conclusion : Therapy combining Bobath inhibitory technique and electrical stimulation may help to reduce spasticity effectively in stroke patients
1. Amir H Bakhtiary. Does electrical stimulation reduce spasticity after stroke? A randomized controlled study. Clinical Rehabilitation 2008;22(5):418-425
DOI: 10.1177/0269215507084008
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수21페이지
  • 등록일2024.02.12
  • 저작시기2012.01
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1241123
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