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□ 제 목 : Skinner 행동주의 사상의 철학적 문제점
□ 총 페이지수 : 11
□ 목 차:
I. 들어가는 말
II. 인간의 자유와 통제
III. 사회의 계획과 행복
IV. 과학과 가치
V. 매듭말

본 연구에서는 20세기 미국을 비롯한 전세계 사람들의 교육 및 문화관에 다대한 영향을 미친 B. F. 스키너의 행동주의를 교육사상적 측면에서 검토해 보려고 하였다. 특히 교육사상에서 중요한 요소로 간주되는 인간관과 이상사회관 그리고 가치관에 대한 견해에 중점을 두어 분석하려 하였다. 아울러 그의 사상들에 일관하는 기본적인 철학적 방향도 살펴보려 하였다. 분석을 위해서는 주로 그의 저술들에 나타나는 인간과 사회와 가치에 대한 견해들이 참조가 되었다. 특히 그의 저서들 중 「월든 투」(Skinner, 1948)와 「자유와 존엄을 넘어서」(Skinner, 1971)가 중심적으로 참조되었다.

*한글2002로 작성. 97에서는 보이지 않아요.
님이 찾으시는 것인거 같아 올립니다.


ner, B. F.(1953), Science and human behavior, New York: Macmillan,.
Skinner, B. F.(1948), Walden Two, New York: Macmillan,.
"Skinner's utopia: panacea, or path to hell?" Time, Sept. 20, 1971, pp. 47-53.
Stevevick, Daniel B.(1968), B. F. Skinner's Walden Two, New York: Seabury Press.
Strike, Kenneth A.(1975), "On 'Beyond freedom and dignity' by B. F. Skinner," Studies in Philosophy and Education, Vol. 9, Nos. 1 & 2, Summer, pp. 112-136.
Viteles, Morris S.(1955), "The new utopia," Science, Vol. 122, No. 3181, 16 December, pp. 1167-1171.
Weigel, John A.(1977), B. F. Skinner, Boston: Twayne.

Some Philosophical Difficulties
in B. S. Skinner's Behavioristic Thoughts
Ill-Jo Han
B. F. Skinner has been a great influential figure in the 20th century intellectual history. He was not only an experimental psychologist who devoted his entire life to elaborate a theory of learning known as behaviorism, but also a prominent protagonist of the newly emerged technology of human engineering, which mainly appealed to the method of behavioral control. However, the purpose of present study was not to analyze his 'scientific' theory in psychology, but to examine his systematic thoughts on man, society, and values. Despite their seeming appearance of descriptiveness, his ideas on man, ideal society, and criterion of value clarifications are mainly based on his own speculation, without much support from his psychology. Some of philosophical difficulties found in his ideas are as following.
Although Skinner strongly recommended abandoning the conventional concept of man as a free and autonomous being to make a more efficient technology of human engineering much more readily applicable, his recommendation does not seem to provide any preferable supportive reasons for that, leaving the impression that his ideas of man is also only another way of seeing human nature. Even a reverse kind of naturalistic fallacy seemed to be involved in his suggestion that man should be controlled because he has been and is controlled anyway.
In regard to Skinner's ideas on planning and building of an ideal society like Walden Two, it can be asked whether man can be happy without being free to choose, even free to choose pain and displeasure. Another problem is who to control and whom to be controlled in that society. And as a practical mater, how talented people's ingenuity is rewarded in such an all equal and all sharing community needs to be reckoned.
Although Skinner had a great faith in the power of science and its method of experiment, values cannot be justified in science alone. As Carl Rogers suggested, the matter of taking a criterion in judging values is the matter of personal choice, which must be done prior to the beginning of a specific scientific endeavor. Science alone cannot make values valuable.
Finally, it can be said that there involved a strong tendency of pragmatism throughout his theorization of man, society, and values.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2002.05.27
  • 저작시기2002.05
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#195190
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