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명의 사회우주전기와 아세아 신학," 『21세기 세계교회의 흐름과 사회의 전망: 김용복 박사 회갑 기념 논문집 II』 (한일장신대학교 출판부, 1998), 23-37을 보라.
기독교의 복음이란, 요약하면, 수난을 받고 십자가에 매달려 못 박혀 죽은 예수의 궤적이 구속과 생명(부활)의 길이라는 것이다. 예수의 수난사에서 극적으로 표출된 "억눌린 생명의 사회우주전기(the sociocosmic biography of the exploited life)"가 구원의 도라는 것이다. 다시 말해서, 예수는 '어떻게 우주의 순례자들인 인간이 억눌린 생명들과 더불어 상생적 연대를 하여 참된 생명으로 살 수 있는가' 하는 길, 곧 새로운 인간이해인 신-인간-우주적 생명의 도를 가르쳐 준 것이다.
나의 도(道) 기독론에 관해서는 "Toward a Christotao: Christ as the Theanthropocosmic Tao," Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 10:1 (2000), 5-29을 보라.
New Understanding of Humanity Through Confucian-Christian Dialogues:
Some Proposals for Doing Korean Theology of Culture
Kim, Heup-Young
Associate Professor
Kangnam University
Kyongki-do, Korea
In this paper, I have made seven proposals for doing a Korean theology of culture. In addition, I have suggested a new paradigm of theological anthropology, based on Confucian-Christian dialogues I had formulated.
1. The task of Korean theology of culture does not lie in a propagation of religious pluralism as an theological doctrine, but in an articulation of Christian faith in the distinctive Korean context where religious plurality is a historical fact.
2. Doing a Korean theology of culture entails a serious engagement in intereligious dialogue with Korean indigenous religions, and this task should be combined with the proper use of the symmetrical method.
3. Interreligious dialogue should begin with a concrete point of encounter between traditions in dialogue, and humanity is a common topic for all religious traditions. Therefore, humanity is a far more adequate point of departure for interreligious dialogue than a priori topics such as God, Heaven, and Nilvana that presuppose entirely different hemeneutical matrices.
4. (In the light of the dialogue between Wang Yang-ming and Karl Barth) Despite their radical differences, confuciolgy and theology present thick resemblance in discussing their common topic of humanization, "how to become fully human?"
5. For Christians, the Confucian-Christian dialogue on the topic of humanity or humanization eventually leads to a formulation of Confucian Christology, and this Christology entails a new understanding of humanity in a theanthropocosmic horizon.
6. (In the light of the dialogue between John Calvin and Yi T'oegye) Theological and Confucian anthropologies are very similar in structure and content, and they converge in a theanthropocosmic understanding of humanity (the reverence of the Heaven, the love of people, and the caring of the nature).
7. To construct a proper Korean theology, we should replace of the outdated and dualistic root-metaphors of Western theologies (the logos and the praxis) with our own (the tao). We must boldly make a macro theological paradigm shift from both the traditional, metaphysical paradigm of logos (theo-logy; God-talk) and the modern, alternative paradigm of praxis (theo-praxis; God-walk) to a new Biblical and holistic paradigm of tao (theo-tao; God-live).


유학,   신학,   대화,   인간이해
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2002.06.30
  • 저작시기2002.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#197609
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