인터넷 중독에 대한 목회상담( 인터넷중독 )
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by J. S. Meossner, 27-46. Minneapolis: Fortress.
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Goldberg, I. 1996. "Internet Addiction," http://www.rider.edu/users/suler/psycyber/supportgroup. html
Greenfield, D. 2000. "The Net Effect: Internet Addiction and Compulsive Internet Use." http://www.virtual-addiction.com/neteffect.htm.
Griffiths, M. 1999. "Internet Addiction," The Psychologist 12: 246-250.
Lee, S. and Kwon, J. 2001. "Impulsivity, social problem-solving abilities, and communication style of adolescent Internet game addicts." The Korea Journal of Clinical Psychology 20: 67-80.
Neuger, C. C. 1996. "Pastoral Counseling as an Art of Personal Political Activism." In Through the Eyes of Women. edited by J. S. Meossner, 108-117. Minneapolis: Fortress.
Suler, J. 1996. "Internet Addiction in a Nut Shell," http://www.rider.edu/users/suler/psycyber/nutshell.html.
Young, K. 1996. "Internet Addiction: The Emergence of a New Clinical Disorder," Paper presented at the 104th Annual Conversation. Toronto: American Psychological Association.
Young, K. 1998. Caught in the Net. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Pastoral Counseling of the Internet Addicted:
A Female-Friendly Approach
Pan, Shin-Hwan
Assistant Professor
Keimyung University
Daegu, Korea
This paper seeks to find guidelines for the internet addicted. First of all, this surveys diagnostic criteria of 'the internet addiction disorder.' Second, this surveys the researches on the internet addicted's patterns to use the internet, their social environment, and their personalities. Their psychological process is suggested to be consisted of three stages such as their needs, their actions and affective experiences, and consequeces. Their needs are satisfied by the internet's inherent nature.
In order to help the internet addicted recover from their addiction, the three principles are essential in formulating the guidelines. They include analysis of cultural and political structure of the term 'the internet addiction disorder,' deployment of the systematic viewpoint, and acceptance of the addicted's individual experience.
The approach that the principles supports, is Bohler's female-friendly pastoral care. Its guidelines are explained by the following themes.
1. Recognize the addicted's experience. It includes listening to them, recognizing and evoking their authorities, and learning how to use the internet.
2. Deploy the systematic point of view. It includes balancing their personal responsibility with their family or friends'influences and making a compromise on how to engage in the internet.
3. Observe and expand their divine images. It includes helping them perceive and express their own experience of the Mystery.
4. Take social structure and culture into account. It includes analyzing generational gaps in the term 'the internet addiction disorder,' and name the cultural issues clearly in the local church.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.13
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#198583
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