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김우석. 스포츠조선. (1998. 10. 2). 올바른 스포츠 마케팅.
김성원. 스포츠조선. (1998.10. 28). 박찬호 - 스포츠 마케팅.
김동석. 스포츠조선. (1998. 11.05). 프로농구 올시즌 달가진 것들.
허구연. 스포츠조선. (1998. 11. 6). 야구를 살리자.
함용일. 스포츠조선. (1998. 11. 14). 프로축구 활성화.
이백일. 스포츠조선. (1998. 11. 17). KBO 프로출범 첫 야구 토론회.
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김상수. 스포츠조선. (1999. 4. 1). 각 구단 관중 모시기 대대적인 작전 돌입.
정상원, 위성식, 송주현. (1996). 스포츠 소비자의 기대 및 성과 유형에 관한 분석. 한국체육학회지, 35(2), 379-394.
Boulding, K. E. (1956) The Image, knowledge in the life and society, MI, Univ. of Michigan Press, p. 23.
Alain Ferrand & Monique Pages. (1996). Image Sponsoring : Methodology to Match Event and Sponsor. Journal of Sport Management, 10(3), 278-291.
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The Comparative Analysis of the Korean
Professional Sports Image
Gu, Ki-yong · Cho, Kwang-min
(Yonsei University)
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the university students' images about Korean professional sports such as soccer, baseball, and basketball. Professional sports images were classified into ideal and realistic images which were subdivided into four subcategories; behavioral, psychological, evaluating, and negative. One thousand six students from seven universities in Seoul were selected via stratified cluster random sampling procedure to serve as sample. The survey questionaries with 5 point Likert Scale, The Comparative Analysis of The Korean Professional Sports Image, was used to collect data from the subjects. The interest level of the subject was determined by checking five items such as (1) the annual frequency of watching sport games, (2) the expected watching frequency of TV sports programs, (3) the number of purchasing sport newspapers per week, (4) the number of purchasing the sport magazines, and (5) the number of participation in sport games during leisure time. Eleven adjectives which have been used by Hackforth (1995) and 26 adjectives used by Ferrand and Monique (1996) were referred to choose 27 adjectives in this study. The t-test, ANOVA, and Scheffe's Test for Post-Hoc comparison were used to test statistical significance with the significant level of 0.05.
The followings are significant findings based on the data analysis.
First, there were significant differences between ideal image and realistic image of professional soccer, baseball, and basketball. This signified that students expected higher level of professional sports images than present level.
Second, there were significant differences between ideal image and realistic image of professional soccer, baseball, and basketball according to the sex. Men had more affirmative expectancy level in realistic image and ideal image than women.
Third, there were significant differences between ideal image and realistic image of professional soccer, baseball, and basketball according to the frequency of inclination for sports.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수18페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.20
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#198894
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