방과후 체육활동과 여가활동과의 관계
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Leisure Research, 12(4), 329-345.
Ragheb, M. G., & Griffith, C. A. (1982). The contribution of leisure participation and leisure satisfaction to life satisfaction of older persons. Journal of Leisure Research, 14(4), 295-306.
Russell, R. V. (1987). The importance of recreation satisfaction and activity participation to life satisfaction of age-segregated retirees. Journal of Leisure Research, 19, 273-283.
Spirduso, W.W.(1980). Physical fitness, aging and pschomotor speed: A review. Journal of Gerontology, 35, 850-865.
Vaske, J. J., Donnelly, M. P., Heberlein, T. A., & BoShelby, B. (1982). Cifferences in reported satisfaction ratings by consumptive and nonconsumptive recre -ationist. Journal of Leisur Research, 14(3), 195-206.
The Relationship between Participation in After-school Physical Exercises Activities and Leisure Satisfaction
Kim, Hyun-Joon·Kim, Chang-Bum·Byeon, Jae-Kyung·Koh, Young-Min
In this study, the researcher analyzed the difference between the participation in after-school physical exercise activities and the leisure satisfaction to examine the relationship between the leisure satisfaction before and after the participation in after-school physical exercise activities
The researcher sampled two groups. One group is the 450 students of a middle school (W. Middle School in Daejon, appointed as a middle school of the school physical education case study by Ministry of Education), who participated in the after-school physical exercises activities by using the sports facilities in a community, more than three times and four hours in a week. The other group is the 435 students of a middle school (B, Middle School near W. Middle School), who didn't participated in the afterschool physical exercises activities. The questionnaire about leisure satisfaction was based on the scale of domestic previous studies translated by Lee, Jong-kil from Beard and Ragheb's Satisfaction Scale (1980). The statistics to be employed to analyze the data collected through the questionnaire was ‘One-way ANOVA.’
On the basis of the results by the above research methods, the conclusions were drawn as follows :
First, study1 showed that Participating in the after-school physical exercises activities significantly influenced on all the factors of leisure satisfaction through the specific period, excepting for the factor of relaxing satisfaction.
Second, study2 indicated that the experimental group(physical activities) showed higher scores on the general leisure satisfaction than control group(non-physical activities) did. But there was not difference between the experimental group and control group on the factor scores of environmental satisfaction.
Therefore, from above results, this study could say that the middle school students' participation of the after-school physical activities influences positively on the physiological, social, educational, and psychological leisure satisfaction, but not on the relaxing or environmental leisure satisfaction.
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2002.08.09
  • 저작시기2002.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#200897
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