Peter Brook의 관점에서의 Shakespeare연극
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Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연극의 사회적 역할

Ⅲ. 두 세계의 공존

Ⅳ. 영적 교감

Ⅴ. 현대적 관점

Ⅳ. 결론


Second, Brook reinterpreted Shakespeare's dramas to present the play in a performance by escaping from the literary centered interpretation of Shakespeare's play. His productions of Shakespeare's plays showed the contemporary values of Shakespearean dramas, which included the inquiries of human nature and permitted many possibilities to examine and recover our times. Through his works, he enabled people to realize that the superficial understanding of Shakespeare's plays in the fixed-frame work could reduce and distort the various meanings in them.
Third, he suggested that every plays should be traced to their origins and then approached to practices in modern method through his production of Shakespeare's plays.
Fourth, he introduced the concrete role of a performer in the performance by transforming 'the actor of imitation(mimesis)' into 'the actor of existence(being)' in contemporary theatre.
Fifth, he directed the audience in the passive position to the active role by putting the spectators into his performance together and inducing spectator to participate in all along the performance.
Sixth, he expanded the theatrical language which could provide the way of intercommunication between actors and audiences harmoniously and positively. Through this works, Shakespeare's language could be also extended to the language of performance level by comprising the literary meaning.
Seventh, Peter Brook showed that the theatrical language can be developed into the universal language which makes it possible to communicate among the people from all over the world whatever their different cultural and social background are, as he searched for the theatrical language for actor-audience close relationships in his productions. This project reflected the positive vision in that theatre as a social function can be a leading art form by covering all the human beings.
Eighth, Peter Brook gave the vitality to the study and direction in the modernization of Shakespeare's play, as he revived Shakespeare's dramas in his performances in modern theatrical terms.
Ninth, Peter Brook clearly showed the social role of theatre, how it functions, in his productions. Through this, he made it to express the value of theatre itself in modern society.
As mentioned above, Peter Brook's production of Shakespeare's plays achieved not merely give new perspectives on the existence of theatre in modern society in the sense of theatre history but also to influence on the study of modernization of Shakespeare's plays worldwide by developing Shakespeare's dramas into the performing art.
Thus, this study of Peter Brook's contributions on theatre history tried to make people understand about Peter Brook's productions through exploring his integrated directing method with theatrical theories and practices and describe the possibility of application to Korean Theatre of today, which has been looking for the value of theatre and practical methods, as giving the concrete directing ways.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수27페이지
  • 등록일2002.08.15
  • 저작시기2002.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#201408
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