제 1 장 명 사(Noun)
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해당 자료는 2페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
2페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. 명사의 종류

2. 명사의 수

3. 명사의 격

4. 명사의 성(性)


e friends with me.
④ 복수형의 어미 생략
ex 1) He is three years old.
He has a three-years-old daughter.
2) I have ten dollars.
I have a ten-dollar bill.
3) It is a five-act play.
3. 명사의 성
ex 1) father - mother nephew - niece
bachelor - spinster bull - cow
prince - princess lion - lioness
actor - actress tiger - tigress
waiter - waitress emperor - empress
1. 인주어구문 사람주어 + can ∼
물주구문 무생물주어 + enable + 목적어 + to do ∼
ex 1) He can work because he is young.
= His youth enables him to work.
2) He could go abroad because he was wealthy.
= His wealth enabled him to go abroad.
2. 인주어구문 사람주어 + cannot∼
물주구문 무생물 주어 + prevent + 목적어 + from + (동)명사
ex 1) As[Since, Because] he is poor, he cannot buy the house.
= Because of[Owing to, On account of] his poverty,
he cannot buy the house.
= His poverty prevents[keeps, prohibits] him from buying the house.
3. 인주어구문 사람주어 + have to∼
물주구문 무생물주어 + force[compel, oblige] + 목적어 + to do
ex 1) As her father died suddenly, she had to give up school.
= Her father's sudden death forced her to give up school.
4. 인주어구문 Why + 동사 + 주어 ∼?
물주구문 What + make + 목적어 + 목적보어
ex 1) Why are you so happy?
= What makes you so happy?
2) Why do you think so?
= What makes you think so?
5. 인주어구문 사람주어 + go 또는 get to
물주구문 무생물주어 + that + 목적어 + to ∼
ex 1) He went to Seoul on business.
= Business took him to Seoul.
6. 인주어구문 사람주어 + come 또는 reach
물주구문 무생물주어 + bring + 목적어 ∼
ex 1) After ten minutes' walk, he came to the park.
= Ten minutes' walk brought him to the park.
2) A: What brought you here?
B: I came to buy a book.
7. 기타
ex 1) I have a good appetite after a short walk.
= A short walk gives me a good appetite.
2) He got angry because they laughed.
= Their laughter made him get angry.
3) This medicine will make you feel better.
4) Every night found him poring over his books.
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.06
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#205511
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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