Theme Park 사업전략에 관한 연구 : 테마파크 놀이동산
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 테마파크사업 계획검토
1. 사업계획 업무별 구분
2. 사업계획 단계별 구분
3. 업무계획 추진별 구분
4. 컨설팅 업무상 구분
5. 타당성 검토의 구분

Ⅳ. 테마파크 현황분석
1. 연간 입원객수
2. 입원요금
3. 투자규모와 시장 침투율
4. 영업일정

Ⅴ. 결 론




Toward in the 21st century, from a national perspective, the goals, needs and demand for recreation facilities will keep increasing. During the coming decade, people will demand not only recreational and educational facilities buy also vacation facilities with modern accommodation and ancillary services as destination resort.
The theme park industry has its roots in the flower garden in the Europe, Where people in the 1700's with take a pleasant Sunday stroll. A few hundred years later, electric motors invented, enabling rides like the ferris wheel to be introduced.
The modern era, however, began in earnest when forty years ago, a well-known cartoonist turned the orange groves of Anaheim California, into Disneyland which was the first theme park in the world.
The theme park industry really involved in North America and in particular the United States of America(United States). They have also proved popular in Asia and Europe. The North American and European markets are
highly competitive. The newly Industrializing Countries(NICS) of Asia with their large populations which are acquiring increasing levels of disposable income and greater leisure time are attracting the interest of theme park developers. Both international operators and local entrepreneurs are looking for investment opportunities in themed attractions.
What prompted the development of a theme park? What are the factors that one has to consider in theme parks development? Would the proposed development be financially viable? It is believed that the opportunity for theme parks as a component of an integrated development in Asia is tremendous granted that some of the factors such as the location, the demographics of the domestic market, the trends in the tourism industry, the economic conditions, the concept etc are properly studied and planned.
The capital appreciation to a theme park development and or integrated development is not unknown. Thus the viability of a theme park need not depend solely on the daily operations and financial performance attributed from admission fees, food and beverage patronage etc. Very often, the development of the theme parks particularly those of a bigger scale, would include other real estate development such as hotels and resorts, shopping malls, residental homes, golf courses, entertainment centares, restaurants etc. Disneyland parks and Lotte World Seoul Korea are examples.
It is also dangerous to assume that a concept that is very successful in one country will prove to be equally successful in another. There are a number of defunct themed attractions through the world. In fact, there is a thriving market in second or even third hand defunct fun partridges and attractions.
A market and financial feasibility study helps identify where the proposed development should be located, who wreathe target markets and competitors, what should the concept of the theme park be to capture the target markets and how such development may be interpreted.



  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.31
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#209550
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