재가복지자원봉사자들의 봉사활동 참여욕구에 관한 연구
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목 차

Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구목적 및 문제제기
2. 연구방법
3. 연구 한계

Ⅱ. 자원봉사 활동의 이론적 고찰
1. 자원 봉사활동의 필요성
2. 자원봉사자의 동기와 욕구에 대한 이론적 관점
1) Maslow의 욕구이해
2) 교환이론(Exchange theory)
3) Francies의 자원봉사 동기 욕구프로필
3. 자원봉사 활동의 만족도 구성요소
1) 이타적 측면
2) 자애적 측면

Ⅲ. 재가복지 사업의 자원봉사활동 현황
1. 재가복지 봉사센타 일반현황
2. 부천시 재가복지사업 현황
3. 재가복지 서어비스의 대상자 및 사업내용
1) 대상자
2) 서비스 내용
3) 재가복지에서의 자원봉사 활동의 중요성
4) 재가복지에서의 사회사업가와 자원봉사자의 관계
5) 지역사회에서의 재가복지사업

Ⅳ. 조사결과 및 분석
1. 봉사활동 동기 및 참여경로
2. 교육 및 보상에 관한 견해
3. 봉사활동시 갈등에 대한 요인
4. 소속기관 및 사회사업가에 대한 견해
5. 자원봉사활동의 기대감, 활동의 만족도

Ⅴ. 재가복지 자원봉사자들의 효율적 관리방안

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언

설 문 지


Secondly, motivational factor for participating In Home Service for house wives is stemmed from the religious belief and for students and workers under payroll claimed to have volunteered for self-development and gaining a good experience. House wives and workers under payroll are registering to the program through the advertisement in mass media and students groups are registering through the meetings and persuasion of members of In Home Service.
Thirdly, needs of basic training of volunteers surveyed indicated that technique of developing better relationship with helpee and counseling method are prime requirement of program. Student group agreed to have more often chances of training opportunity while other groups agreed on one or two times a year program of special training course.
Forth, conflict in participating service for student is personal matter and normally they tended to solve the conflict with the peer group while house wives and workers solved their conflict with bureaucrats by having discussion with counselor in center. Asked when to feel like to quit the service, students responded as lack of ability and no personal gratification and for house wives and workers, it is insufficient aids from the society and uneasy relationship with helpee. Student group selected welfare institution for best place to work and house wives and workers favored orphanage and nursing home.
Fifth, in surveying the attitude toward bureaucrats and institution, most of the subjects were affected by the bureaucrats and required for better training in context of compensation requir- ements of extra activity and easy access to wide range of information.
Finally, in surveying the contentment and anticipation of participating service, house wives recorded the highest level of contentment and student group showed the strongest level of anticipation of being a member at In Home Service.
Complacency level of completing the service indicated that student group acquiring the strongest level of contentment. Interesting point is that house wives, showing the highest level of participation, were least satisfied with In Home Service.
Student group showed the strongest recognition level of In Home Service program and workers and house wives followed along.
Based upon above mentioned conclusions and suggestions, a better way of rejuvenate and reinforce the In Home Service should be studied accordingly. For instance, different level of participation and motivational factor indicated that a systemic discrimination of advertisement to recruit the volunteer should be considered as a top priority of In Home Service Organization when the needed arises. Moreover, with insufficient funding from the government and less interest from the public would weaken the foundation of In Home Service considerably if it is not supported and reinforced by the members and would be members through proper training and detailed guidelines of compensation in return of providing services.
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수47페이지
  • 등록일2002.12.19
  • 저작시기2002.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#215834
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