여행전자상거래와 eCRM에 관한 연구(인터넷 여행사를 중심으로)
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구의 이론적 배경

1. 여행전자상거래의 영향요인
1) 여행사이트 시스템의 품질
2) 여행정보서비스 품질
3) 여행전자상거래 비용
4) 여행자의 개인적 특성

2. 여행업 eCRM의 영향요인
1) 웹사이트 만족(satisfaction)
2) 웹사이트 몰입
3) 웹사이트 신뢰(trust)

3. 여행전자상거래와 eCRM의 상관성

Ⅲ. 조사설계

Ⅳ. 실증분석 결과와 논의

Ⅴ. 결 론



he real value of on-line communities," Harvard Business Review, Vol.72(3), 1996.
Anderson, R.J., & S.J. Bezuidenhoudt, "On the reliability of electronic payment systems," IEEE Transactions on Software Enginering, Vol.22(5).
Benjamin, R. and Rolf Wingand, "Electronic Markets and Virtual Value Chains on the Information Superhighway," Sloan Management Review, Winter, 1995.
Bhimani, A., "Securing the commercial internet," Communications of the ACM, Vol.39(6), 1996.
Bhimani, A., "Securing the commercial internet," Communications of the ACM, Vol.39(6), 1996.
Crosby, Lawrence A., Lenneth R. Evans & Deborah Cowles, "Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective," Journal of Marketing vol.54, Jul. 1990.
Dwyer F. Robert, Paul H, Schurr and Sejo Oh, "Developing Buyer-Seller Relationship," Journal of Marketing, vol.51, April, 1987.
Fred, van Raaij W., and Dick A. Francken, "Vacation Decisions, Actives and Satisfaction," Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.11(1).
Gronroos, Christian, "Relationship approach to Marketing in Service Contexts: The Marketing and Organizational Behavior Interface," Journal of Business Research, Vol.20(1), 1990.
Guiry, Michael, "Consumer and Employee Roles in Service Encounters," Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.19, 1992.
Gundlach, Gregory T., Ravi S. Achril and John T. Mentzer, "The Structure of Commitmnet in Exchange," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59 (January 1995).
Hoffman, Donna L., Thomas P. Novak, and Patrali Chatterjee, "Commercial Scenarios for the Web: Opportunities and Challenges," Journal of Computer- mediated Communication, 1(3), 1995.
Larsen, T.J., "Middle Manager's Contribution to Implemented Information Technology Innovation," Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol.10(2), 1993.
Liu, Chang, and Lirk P. Arnett, "Exploring the factors associated with Web site success in the context of electronic commerce," Information & Management, Vol.20, 2000.
Panurach, P., "Money in electronic commerce: digital cash, electronic fund transfer, and cash," Communications if the ACM, 39(6), 1996.
Ram, S. & Sheth, Jagdish, "Consumer Resistance to Innovations:The Marketing Problem and Its Solutions," Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol.6(spring), 1989.
Shankar, B., "Electronic commerce will be a big business," Telecommunications, Vol.30(7), 1996.
Webster, J., L.K. Trevino, and L. Ryan, "The dimensionality and correlates in human computer interactions," Computer in Human Behavior, Vol.9(4).
Wilson, D.T., An Integrated Model of Buyer-Seller Relations," Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, vol.23(4), 1995.
Young, Louis C., and F. Wilkinson, "the Role of Trust and Cooperation in Marketing Channels: A Preliminary Study," European Journal of Marketing, Vol.23(2), 1989.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구의 이론적 배경
1. 여행전자상거래의 영향요인
1) 여행사이트 시스템의 품질
2) 여행정보서비스 품질
3) 여행전자상거래 비용
4) 여행자의 개인적 특성
2. 여행업 eCRM의 영향요인
1) 웹사이트 만족(satisfaction)
2) 웹사이트 몰입
3) 웹사이트 신뢰(trust)
3. 여행전자상거래와 eCRM의 상관성
Ⅲ. 조사설계
Ⅳ. 실증분석 결과와 논의
Ⅴ. 결 론
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2003.04.16
  • 저작시기2003.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#222585
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