필수품과 사치품에 대한 소비자인지를 통해 본 소비행동의 사회문화적 함의
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I. 서론

II. 필수품과 사치품에 관한 이론적 고찰
2-1. 필수품과 사치품의 개념
2-2. 상품의 사회·문화적 상징성과 유행

III. 연구방법
3-1. 자연주의적 연구방법으로서의 민속지학적 면접법
3-2. 민속지학적 면접의 분석방법
3-3. 연구의 절차

IV. 필수품과 사치품에 대한 소비자인지 분석
4-1. 필수품과 사치품의 개념
4-2. 필수품과 사치품의 기준및 구입동기

V. 소비자인지 분석결과의 자연주의적 해석
5-1. 주제 1 : 소유의 의미
5-2. 주제 2 : 희소성의 의미
5-3. 주제 3 : 모방의 의미

VI. 요약 및 논의



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The purpose of this study is to emphasize a socio-cultural dimension in addition to an individual utility in consumption behavior. This study explores consumers' awareness of necessities and luxuries by a socio-cultural approach of consumption behavior.
On the bases of various theories related to consumption in sociology and anthropology, this study tries to make a naturalistic interpretation about consumers' awareness of necessities and luxuries that is reflected in an ethnographic interview, one of a naturalistic inquiry. The interviewees are males and females in 20s through 30s, and each interview session takes from 40 to 100 minutes.
The results of this study indicate that price and utility are most frequently mentioned factors making a distinction between necessities and luxuries. Necessities tend to have high utilities and low prices, whereas luxuries tend to have low utilities and high prices.
This study adopts a naturalistic inquiry method to interprete the interview results and extracts three themes, that are, possession, scarcity, and emulation as engines triggering consumption behavior. Possession implies a causing factor of consumption behavior, scarcity implies the principle of seeking differentiation, and emulation implies the principle of seeking uniformity.
Consumers seem to continue consumption behavior through looking for scarcity and emulation at the same time. Cultural implications in relation to collectivism in the Korean society are also discussed.


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수31페이지
  • 등록일2003.05.06
  • 저작시기2003.05
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#223030
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