8품사 문법 정리
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8품사 문법 정리에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 명 사
2. 대명사
3. 동 사
4. 형용사
5. 부 사
6. 전치사
7. 접속사


provided that + 절 : 만일 ∼라면
in case of + 명사 상당어구 : 만일 ∼라면
ex) Unless I had a serious illness, my doctor wouldn't recommend that I get a CAT scan.
(3) 목적 부사절
so that + 주어 + may(can, will) + 동사원형 : ∼하기 위하여
in order that
in order to-부정사, so as to-부정사 : ∼하기 위하여
ex) Please fill in the information below so that we may process your application as quickly as possible.
→Please fill in the information below in order to help us process your application as quickly as possible.
(4) 결과 부사절
such + a(an) + 형용사 + 명사 + that ∼ : 너무 ...해서 ∼하다
so + 형용사 + a(an) + 명사 + that ∼ : 너무 ...해서 ∼하다
such + 명사 + that∼ : 너무 ...해서 ∼하다
ex) On weekend evenings there are so many cars on the road that the traffic comes to a complete standstill.
(5) 양보 부사절
1) though, although : ∼이기는 하지만(직설법)
ex) Although there are a multitude of natural remedies on the market, most people feel that there is not enough scientific information available to them.
2) even if, even though : 비록 ∼일지라도(가정법)
ex) Even if you are unable to attend the reception, please make sure that your RSVP is returned by the specified date on the invitation.
(6) 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that
주어 + 동사가 문장에서 명사의 역할을 하도록 이끌면서, 주어, 목적어, 보어, 전치사의 목적어, 동격으로 쓰인다.
1) 주어
ex) That the internet has brought the world closer together is an incredible accomplishment.
2) 목적어
ex) I can't confirm that this document is authentic.
3) that 절을 보어로 취하는 형용사
1 사람 주어:aware, afraid, sure, happy, sorry, glad, convinced
ex) The boy is afraid that the other children in his third grade class will tease him.
2 It(가주어)주어:certain(uncertain), likely(unlikely), sure, easy, hard, though, difficult, impossible, dangerous, unpleasant, worth, strange, regrettable, surprising, evident.
ex) It was evident that the project was a total failure.
4) 전치사의 목적어
ex) The use of this search engine is quite simple, in that all you need to do is enter a single keyword that you are looking for and hit the "submit" button.
5) 동격 : fact, truth, statement, opinion, news, rumor, report + that + 주어 +동사
ex) We are proud of the fact that while we carry a wide variety of traditional floor coverings like vinyl and laminates, we also have a large selection of unusual products; natural linoeum, cork, and bamboo.
(7) 명사절을 이끄는 접속사
whether : ∼인지 아닌지
If : ∼인지 아니지
의문사 : what, which, who, when, where, how
관계대명사 : what
복합 관계대명사 : whatever, whichever, whoever
명사절은 관계대명사절과는 달리 완전한 문장요소를 갖춘다.
1) whether
The Ethics Committee has been asked for it opinion as to whether the code permits a court judge of participate in his or her spouse's campaign for county office.
2) if
Three quarter of Americans want to know if their food contains gene-spliced ingredients, according to a public survey conducted by a customer group.
3) 의문사
The best advice for parents is to talk to children about the dangers of the Internet and supervise what they do on line.
4) 관계대명사
High decibel music is just what I need to express myself best physically
5) 복합 관계대명사
You should vote for whomever you choose, regardless of what other say.


명사,   대명사,   동사,   부사,   형용사
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2003.10.27
  • 저작시기2003.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#228656
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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