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고대편입필수GRE어휘1604에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1~ 1604

1. abase lower;humiliate

1604. optometrist one who fits glasses



1502 moribund at the pt. of death
1503 morose ill-humored; sullen
1504 mortician undertaker
1505 mortify humiliate
1506 mote small speck
1507 motif theme
1508 motley parti-colored;mixed
1509 mountebank charlatan
1510 muddle confuse; mix up
1511 muggy warm and damp
1512 mulct impose a fine on
1513 multiform having many forms
1514 multilingual having many language
1515 multiplicity great No. or variety
1516 mundane worldly <->spiritual
1517 munificent very generous
1518 murkiness darkness; gloom
1519 muse ponder; reflect
1520 musky having musk-odor
1521 musty stale;spoiled by age
1522 mutable changing in form
1523 mutilate maim
1524 mutinous unruly; rebellious
1525 myriad very large number
1526 nadir lowest point
1527 naivete 천진성
1528 natal pertaining to birth
1529 natation swimming
1530 nauseate cause to become sick
1531 nave main body ofa church
1532 nebulous cloudy; hazy
1533 necrology list of the dead
1534 necromancy black magic
1535 nefarious very wicked
1536 negation denial
1537 nemesis revenging agent
1538 neophyte recent convert
1539 nepotism favoritism
1540 nettle annoy; vex
1541 nexus connection
1542 nib beak; pen-point
1543 nicety precision
1544 niggardly meanly stingy
1545 nocturnal done at night
1546 noisome unwholesome
1547 nomadic wandering
1548 nonchalance indifference
1549 noncommittal neutral;unpledged
1550 nonentity nonexistence
1551 non sequitur a wrong conclusion
1552 nosegay fragrant bouquet
1553 nostalgia home-sickness
1554 notorious outstandingly bad
1555 novice beginner
1556 noxious harmful
1557 nugatory futile; worthless
1558 numismatist coin-collector
1559 nurture bring up; feed
1560 nutrient giving nourishment
1561 oaf stupid,awkward man
1562 obdurate stubborn
1563 obeisance bow
1564 obelisk 방첨탑
1565 obese fat
1566 obfuscate confuse; muddle
1567 obituary death notice
1568 objurgate scold;rebuke
1569 oblique slanting;
1570 obliquity perversity
1571 obliterate destroy completely
1572 oblivion forgetfulness
1573 obloquy (n)slander; infamy
1574 obnoxious offensive
1575 obsequious slavishly attentive
1576 obsession fixed idea
1577 obsolete out-moded
1578 obtrude push into prominence
1579 obtrusive pushing forward
1580 obtuse blunt; stupid
1581 obviate make unnecessary
1582 occult mysterious; secret
1583 oculist ophthalmologist
1584 odious hateful
1585 odoriferous giving off an odor
1586 odorous fragrant
1587 officious meddlesome
1588 ogle make eyes at
1589 olfactory 후각에 관한
1590 oligarchy government by a few
1591 ominous threatening
1592 omnipotent all-powerful
1593 omniscient all-knowing
1594 omnivorous eating plant &animal
1595 onerous burdensome
1596 onomatopoeia 의성어
1597 onslaught vicious assault
1598 opalescent iridescent
1599 opaque dark;not transparent
1600 opiate deadener of pain
1601 opportune timely; well-chosen
1602 opprobrious disgraceful
1603 optician maker of eyeglasses
1604 optometrist one who fits glasses


편입,   어휘,   GRE,   VOCA,   토익
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2004.10.28
  • 저작시기2001.2
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#271595
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