아동학대와 한국의 사회적 환경 (미국과 한국의 비교)
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해당 자료는 3페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
3페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


미국의 사회적 상황
1. 아동학대의 현황(한국과 미국의 비교)
2. 아동학대를 감소하게 하는 미국의 사회적 환경
1)엄격한 아동학대의 기준
2)제도의 예방 지향적 변화
3) 재정의 지원
4)가족중심의 접근
5)지역사회의 활동

2. 우리 나라의 현황
1)아동학대의 정의
2)법적 근거
3) 자원의 활용

3. 아동학대에 대한 접근


at we try to consider what are the reasons which child abuse is increased and to solve the problem.
We can see various confrontations to child abuse in our society in the Korea version, although those are comparatively lack. That is, there are legal basis, definition of child abuse, and community activities and various economic sources. However I would like to emphasize people's recognition as the most imperative ingredient.
We know child abuse is very terrible. And sometimes we console with abused children in our heart when TV shows them. But in our daily lives, although a child is beaten by their parents or relative, maybe there are few people who intervene that accident. That is the problem. That is, we would not consider child abuse as child abuse. In the long run, when abused child is discovered, it is the very time already the child was seriously hurted. Therefore the most important thing is to recognize child abuse as child abuse. In order to do this, publicity work is needed. And it is also important to participate in those activities ourselves.
Until now I have talk about child abuse. You may well forget most information I have said to you. But I want you to look at our environment related to child growth. We can easily find that a child is beaten in the subway. And although we know the spectacle has some problem, we can not anything for the child. That is just small example of demeanor which parents are handle their child. Of course, in our society that accident is not child abuse. But we must think about hidden possibility of child abuse. And practically many children have been abused by their parents or relatives without any our attention. Someday you will be farther or mother. Then think about your pretty son or daughter or their friends are abused. How terrible it is. Therefore child abuse is not just other people's experience. I think that small recognition can change our society. And I think that you would participate those activities with pleasure.
*참고 사이트*
http://www.calib.com/nccanch/-------여러 사이트 포함
http://home.opentown.net/~yurik/abuse.htm 한국
(그 외 여러 사이트)


  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2004.12.06
  • 저작시기2004.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#277323
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