NAEYC 보고서 (유년기 어린이와 테크놀로지)
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NAEYC 보고서 (유년기 어린이와 테크놀로지)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


(1) 컴퓨터 활용이 적절한지에 대한 평가에 있어 교사의 근본적인 역할

(2) 유아용 프로그램에 컴퓨터를 적절히 사용했을 때의 이점

(3) 기존의 교육 환경에 테크놀로지의 통합

(4) 특별한 도움을 필요로 하는 어린이들을 포함하여 테크놀로지에 대한 합리적인 접근

(5) 소프트웨어에 있어 폭력성과 진부함

(6) 보호자로서 교사와 부모의 역할

(7) 전문적인 발전을 위한 테크놀로지의 의미

※ 원문 첨부


incorporate experiences that permit educators to reflect on the principles of early childhood education and how technology can support and extend these prineiples ;
give teachers concentrated time to focus on how best to use educational technology in a school or early childhood program ;
provide hands-on training with appropriate software programs to assist teachers in becoming familiar and comfortable with the operation and features of hardware and software ; and
provide on-site and school-based training on effectively intergrating technology into the curriculum and assessment process.
At the classroom level, teachers need staff-development experiences (Kearsley & Lynch 1992) that permit them to
use teaching techniques that fully use the technology ;
encourage parental involvement with technology ;
match technology applications to the learning needs of individual children ;
look for cross-curriculum/cross-cultural applications ;
facilitate cooperative interactions among children ;and
use technology to improve personal efficiency.
the potentials of technology are far-reaching and ever changing.
The risk is for adults to become complacent, assuming that their current knowledge or experience is adequate.
Technology is an area of the currium, as well as a tool for learning, in which teachers try learning (Bredekamp & Rosegrant 1994, 61).
As teachers try out their new knowledge in the classroom, there shoud be opportunities to share experiences and insights, problemsand challenges with othereducators.
When teachers become comfortable and confident with the new technology, they can be offered additional challenges and stimulated to reach new levels of competence in using technology.
Early childhood educators should use technology as a tool for communication and collaboration among professionals as well as a tool for teaching children.
Technology can be powerful tool for professional development.
Woftware can provide accessible information and tools for classroom management, planing, and creation of materials.
Telecommunications and the Internet can enable teachers to obtain information and new ideas form around the world and to interact with distant experts and peers.
Early childhood educators can incorporate principles of cooperative learning as they assist distant peers in acquiring new skills ; share curriculum ideas, resources, and promising practices ; exchange advice ; and collaborate on classroom and professional development projects.
Providing training and support for access to services available via on-line networks and the Internet has the potential of opening the doors to worlds of additional classroom resources.
With a responsive on-line system, mentors can assist novices in becoming more technology literate and more involved in actively using technology for professional benegits.
As educators become competent users of technology for personal and professional growth, they can model appropriate use for young children.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2006.05.02
  • 저작시기2006.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#347323
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