Canterbury Tales의 Wife of Bath 번역 및 분석자료
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Canterbury Tales의 Wife of Bath 번역 및 분석자료에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Character Analysis

3. 내용 번역 및 분석


en barly-breed;
And let us wives be called barley-bread;
우리같은 아내들을 보리 빵이라고 합시다.
145 And yet with barly-breed, Mark telle kan,
And yet with barley-bread, Mark can tell it,
그래도 마가복음은 이렇게 말하잖아요. 그 보리빵으로
146 Oure Lord Jhesu refresshed many a man.
Our Lord Jesus refreshed many a man.
우리의 조님께서 많은 사람들의 원기를 살려주었다고요.
Probably a reference to the occasion where Christ miraculously multiplied a few loaves and fishes to feed a hungry multitude.
147 In swich estaat as God hath cleped us
In such career as God has called us
우리에게 주어진 본분대로
148 I wol persevere; I nam nat precius.
I will persevere; I am not snobbish.
나는 유지하며 살아갈 거에요. 난 분수에 넘치는 짓은 안 해요.
149 In wyfhod I wol use myn instrument
In wifehood I will use my instrument
아내로서, 나는 나의 도구를 사용할 거에요.
150 As frely as my Makere hath it sent.
As freely as my Maker has it sent.
나의 창조자께서 우리에게 주신대로
151 If I be daungerous, God yeve me sorwe!
If I be niggardly, God give me sorrow!
내가 인색하게 굴면 주님께서 벌하실 거에요!
152 Myn housbonde shal it have bothe eve and morwe,
My husband shall have it both nights and mornings,
내 남편은 밤낮으로 그것을 가질거에요.
153 Whan that hym list come forth and paye his dette.
When it pleases him to come forth and pay his debt.
그가 나서서 그의 빚을 갚기를 원할 때,
154 An housbonde I wol have -- I wol nat lette --
A husband I will have -- I won't be stopped --
내 남편은 갖게 될 거고, 난 멈추지 않을거에요.
155 Which shal be bothe my dettour and my thral,
Who shall be both my debtor and my slave,
누가 나의 채무자이고 나의 노예인 자는
156 And have his tribulacion withal
And have his suffering also
고통을 받을 거에요.
157 Upon his flessh, whil that I am his wyf.
Upon his flesh, while I am his wife.
내가 그의 아내인 한.
158 I have the power durynge al my lyf
I have the power during all my life
그가 아닌 내가 일생의 권한을 갖고 있거든요.
159 Upon his propre body, and noght he.
Over his own body, and not he.
그의 육체에 대해
160 Right thus the Apostel tolde it unto me,
Right thus the Apostle told it unto me,
이 것이 사도가 나에게 가르친 것이고,
161 And bad oure housbondes for to love us weel.
And commanded our husbands to love us well.
우리의 남편들에게 우리를 사랑하라고 하신 것이지요.
162 Al this sentence me liketh every deel" --
All this teaching pleases me every bit" --
이 모든 가르침은 나를 기쁘게 해요.
105-168: The Wife argues that other virtues than chastity (such as poverty) are not expected to be perfectly achieved by all. She readily admits not to aspire to perfect chastity ("that am nat I"). She argues against the view that the genitals were made merely for "purgacion of urine" and to differentiate the sexes: experience shows them to be made for pleasure and procreation. She has no quarrel with virginity, so long as it is not forced on her: she likens the chaste to bread made of "pured" (refined) flour while those who are married are as (coarser) "barly-breed", with which, in Mark's gospel, Jesus fed a crowd. She insists on her right to use her "instrument frely...bothe eve and morwe", and approves of St. Paul's command to husbands to love their wives. The Pardoner interrupts to thank her for warning him off marriage, but she promptly silences him.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2007.04.12
  • 저작시기2007.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#403869
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