Phenolic resins
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1. Date

2. Title

3. Principle

4. Apparatus & Reagents

5. Procedure

6. Results

7. Discussion

8. Reference

9. Coworker


phase. Also we couldn't weight it exactly.
Second, we don't know how much error in 0.5N HCl solution, because it had made in preliminary company. So we have to measure this exactly and reflect it in results. Or we have to make the solution each company.
And also we should have to pull out solution of top layer from solution of lower oily layer, but we couldn't exactly pull out this over. If we want to take over top of solution from it, we will have to wait in time until 1hour over and pull off top of it with pipette & rubber bulb carefully. And we dry it over completely.
We also had to dry that apparatus, every experimental fixture, but we couldn't have much time, so we should have to dry them not exactly. It may be impossible to accurate result of this experiment. So we will have to dry apparatus before we make an experiment.
Finally, we had to use the water bath heating at 95 with reflux condenser, but we couldn't. Because it has many problems in thermo-dynamical theory of errors and room temperature is not regular. And we wrapped up it with aluminium foil but it might be asked whether heat it or keep warm it.
8. Reference :
理化學大事典 -細畵-
Organic chemistry -Kyobo-
Mazza, P (2006). "A new Palaeolithic discovery: tar-hafted stone tools in a European Mid-Pleistocene bone-bearing bed". Journal of Archaeological Science
Wadley, L; Hodgskiss, T; Grant, M (Jun 2009). "From the Cover: Implications for complex cognition from the hafting of tools with compound adhesives in the Middle Stone Age, South Africa.". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
9. Coworker : Park hee jo / Choi myung sik / Jo ji hun


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.08
  • 저작시기2009.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#572469
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