Organizing and Managing Channels of Distribution
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1. 연구 배경 및 목적




s normally identified in each network. The manufacturer communicates its needs at a particular point in time through a single purchase order to this central distributor, who then coordinates activities with the other distributors in the network. A single delivery from the central distributor or individual deliveries from each distributor involved in the purchase order could be involved.
6) Goal Setting, Planning, and Performance Appraisal
- the channel management process appears quite different. Channel members spend a good deal of time with each other in setting goals and developing short-term and long-term business plans. The “goal set” can be quite complex. In such relationships, performance appraisals are ongoing and feedback is frequently given. Such a management approach appears critical for the establishment and maintenance of strong relational exchanges.
7) Utilization of Manufacturer Representatives
- Many manufacturer reps in this region are slowly increasing the number of manufacturers they
represent. In the process, they are able to increase their average order size, while incurring minimal incremental expenses. Of course, the manufacturers who previously enjoyed exclusive representation are normally not enthralled by such changes. Through the use of exclusive reps or agents, these manufacturers had channels with low fixed costs and risk. In addition, their control over these exclusive reps was very high.
8) Organizational Culture
- organizational culture has an important impact on channel management. Some manufacturers, even those that do a good deal of business through indirect channels, have a “"do it in house-technical”" culture that prevents them from understanding, respecting, and trusting intermediaries to any degree
9) The Development of Channel Typologies
- The only existing typology of alternative channel systems places indirect channel systems into
conventional, administered, and contractual system categories. This typology has its strengths, as it depicts likely variation in the amount of coordination present within a channel system and whether or not explicit contracts are used in channel governance. => seems inadequate
and incomplete
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.19
  • 저작시기2006.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#576112
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