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Cellular Defenders
Immune Responses
A. Innate Defenses of Humans
1. Physical Barriers
2. Phagocytes
3. Inflammation
4. Antimicrobial Proteins
B. Acquired Defenses of Humans


ombination of disorders that follows infection with HIV
· Includes
­ Yeast (Candida) infections
­ Pneumocystis pneumonia(주폐포자충)
­ Karposi’s sarcoma
HIV Replication (1)
· RNA retrovirus
· A protein (gp120) at virus surface binds to host cells with CD4 and chemokine receptors
· These receptors occur on helper T cells
· Once bound, RNA and viral enzymes enter the host cell
HIV Replication (2)
· Viral RNA is reverse transcribed to DNA
· HIV DNA is called provirus; it inserts into host DNA
· The host cell makes copies of viral DNA and viral proteins that assemble to form new virus particles
Replication Cycle of HIV
T Cell Decline
· Release of new viral particles kills the host T cell
· The body is constantly making new T cells, but cannot outpace the rate of destruction
· As infection proceeds, T cell numbers inevitably decline
Effect of T Cell Decline
· CD4 helper T cells play a vital role in immune function
· They are required for both cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity
· Infected individual becomes vulnerable to other infections, which eventually result in death
Transmission of HIV
· HIV does not live long outside human body
· Most often spread by exchange of bodily fluids with an infected person
· In the U.S., anal intercourse and needle sharing are main modes of transmission
Transmission of HIV
· Less commonly transmitted by vaginal intercourse and oral sex
· Can travel from mothers to offspring during pregnancy, birth, or breast-feeding
· Not known to be transmitted by food, air, water, casual contact, or insect bites
· No cure
· Once HIV genes are incorporated, no way to get them out
· AZT, and other drugs slow the course of the disease and increase life span(역전사방해)
· Researchers continue to develop drugs and to work toward an AIDS vaccine


  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.22
  • 저작시기2009.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#577093
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