[영어회화]영어회화예문(airport), 영어회화예문(What do you do), 영어회화예문(Birthday), 영어회화예문(party), 영어회화예문(Counselling), 영어회화예문(Shim-Cheong), 영어회화예문(Private conversation)
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2페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


[영어회화]영어회화예문(airport), 영어회화예문(What do you do), 영어회화예문(Birthday), 영어회화예문(party), 영어회화예문(Counselling), 영어회화예문(Shim-Cheong), 영어회화예문(Private conversation)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. 영어회화예문(At the airport)
1. Dialogue 1
2. Dialogue 2

Ⅱ. 영어회화예문(What do you do)
1. Dialogue 1
2. Dialogue 2

Ⅲ. 영어회화예문(Birthday)

Ⅳ. 영어회화예문(party)

Ⅴ. 영어회화예문(Counselling)

Ⅵ. 영어회화예문(Is Shim-Cheong Really A Good Daughter)

Ⅶ. 영어회화예문(Private conversation with friends)


Excuse me. Get you some tea?
Neil: Tea, sure.
Keating: Like some sugar or milk?
Neil: No, thanks. Gosh, they don\'t give you much room around here.
Keating: That\'s part of the monastic oath. They don\'t want worldly things distracting me from my teaching.
Neil: She\'s pretty.
Keating: She\'s also in London. Makes it a little difficult.
Neil: How do you stand it?
Keating: Stand what?
Neil: You can go anywhere. You can do anything. How can you stand being in here?
Keating: Because I love teaching. I don\'t want to be anywhere else. What\'s up?
Neil: I just fought my father. He\'s making me quit the play at Henley Hall. Acting is everything to me. Um... But he doesn\'t know it. I can see his pint. We\'re not a rich family like Charlie\'s. But he\'s planning the rest of my life for me and he\'s never asked me what I want.
Keating: Have you ever told your father what you told me? About your passion for acting?
Neil: I can\'t.
Keating: Why not?
Neil: I can\'t talk to him this way.
Keating: Then you\'re acting for him, too. You\'re playing the part of the dutiful son. I know it sounds impossible, but you have to talk. You have to show him who you are, what your heart is.
Neil: I know what he\'ll say. He\'ll tell me that acting is a whim I should forget about it. That they\'re counting on me and tell me to put it out of my mind for my own good.
Keating: You are not an indentured servant. It\'s not a whim for you. You prove it to him by your conviction and your passion. You show him that. And if he still does not believe you, then you\'ll be out of school and you can do anything you want.
Neil: No. What about the play? the show is tomorrow night.
Keating: You have to talk to him before tomorrow night.
Neil: I... Isn\'t there an easier way?
Keating: No.
Neil: I\'m trapped.
Keating: No, you\'re not.
  • 가격5,000
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2010.03.09
  • 저작시기2021.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#588624
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