theory model of policy decision
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theory model of policy decision에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Subject 1 A policy decision's meaning ---------------------1
1. A policy decision's concept
2. A policy decision's general course
3. A policy decision's canon

subject 2 policy goal's establishment ----------------------2
1. policy goal's meaning
2. policy goal' structure
3. A role of policy goal
4. The method of establish policy goal
5. Change of policy goal

subject 3 theory model of policy decision ------------------4
1. Rationality Model
2. Satisfying Model
3.Incremental model
4.Mixed-scanning model
5. Optimal model
6. Bureaucratic Politics Model
7.Firm model
8.Garbage can model
9. Public Choice Model

Subject 4. Policy decision environment and participator people of policy decision ----------------------------8
1. Environment of public decision
2. Participants of policy decision

Subject 5. restraint cause of policy decision. ---------------9
1. Human cause
2. Cause of constitution
3. Cause of surroundings.
4. Shortage of information and material resources.
5. Complexity of policy decision
6. Cause of society cultural
7. Sunk cost


Fourth, public opinion mediate between people and policy determinant. It crop out a pending problem and place.
Fifth, the press is not only people's formation of public opinion but also policy determinant receive information about a pending problem. Especially, an information society affect policy decision through computer and internet.
The last part is NGO. NGO is on the increase a role. Globality age is spreading and sharing of generality. They activate participation of NGO about policy decision. People effect indirect and restriction of act.
Subject 5. restraint cause of policy decision.
1. Human cause
First, when policy determinant decide policy problem, they are base on their sense of value and belief. So, they plan devise a profitable decision of their. It express prejudice.
Second, limited of people ability. People ability is limited about problem recognition. So, they restrict such thing when policy decision.
Third, policy determinant run into power and awareness. They decide to in accordance with their power.
2. Cause of constitution
First, we said to a standard operation process. It is demand new policy when it is adapted a change in situation. But it is restricted existing formula and process. Second, people difficult wide participation when policy decision is the centralizing system. So, each kind an alternative plan of search and analysis don't practice enough. This result is fall quality of life.
Third, when don't harmonious an idea transmission in organization. Appear information distortion, so policy decision difficult rational result.
Fourth, when too much to division of labor impend the whole reasonable property.
3. Cause of surroundings.
Organizations are connected organizations surroundings closely about public policy. A thing of surroundings, we divide cause into two - economic cause and political cause. Economy cause decide influence of policy and range of policy in a nation. Also, political cause said to political culture of each nation. Because policy decision change about political culture of each nation.
4. Shortage of information and material resources.
Policy decision need accumulation of information for accurate recognition and justice, search of an alternative plan. But, policy decide occasion of information shortage. Policy decision follow as much as restriction about information. Also, policy decision require more resources when resources shortage throw up policy decision. Moreover, resources shortage is accomplished reasonable analysis.
5. Complexity of policy decision
A lot of problem is complexity and variety. So, it is not easy recognition and stipulation.
6. Cause of society cultural
Social standards or customs has an effect on policy decision. This point, social standards or customs are said to be cause of society cultural. Cause of society culture's strength differ policy types.
7. Sunk cost
Sunk cost is already use something don't get back it cost. For example 새만금 reclamation project and so on.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.29
  • 저작시기2006.03
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#606482
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