People with Amputation Portfolio
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People with Amputation Portfolio에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Cover Page 1

Table of contents 2

Introduction 3

Various physical and emotional experiences 4

Social and leisure activities during rehabilitation 6

Prostheses and Supports 7

Inclusion of People with Amputations in Sport 9

Sporting Classifications of People with an Amputation. 10

Checklist for leisure and sporting activities 12

Appendix A- No Medication Phantom Pain relief 13

Appendix B – Web site Links 14

Reference List 15


This client group was chosen because of the little knowledge that I have concerning what their interaction would be with me as a leisure and health professional. Throughout my three years of university I have come in contact with one client with an amputation that I know of. When considering possible client groups to investigate, people with amputations seemed a group that I am likely to come in contact with where considerations may need to be taken into account when planning the client’s leisure activities.
An amputation is the removal of any section of a limb. The most common causes for amputation are traumatic injury, illness, vascular problems or cancer. In Australia it is estimated that there are about 35,000 amputees (Amputees united Australia Online, 15/7/04) People with amputations need access to a range of leisure activities throughout and following their rehabilitation. As a leisure and health professional our position would require us to help a person with an amputation move through these stages smoothly by providing leisure options in and out of the community.
The objectives outlined by myself are as follows;
On completion of this unit of study the student will be able to:
1. Identify and appreciate various physical and emotional experiences of people following amputation of a limb and during rehabilitation by listing common experiences of people with an amputation and noting possible and probable reactions;
2. Comprehend the effect of social and leisure activities during rehabilitation by comparing before and after attitudes and emotional reactions;
3. Grasp the uses of different prostheses and supports, including those for social and sporting use by researching past and current models and their advantages or disadvantages and possible developments;
  • 가격2,200
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2010.05.24
  • 저작시기2004.12
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#614046
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