토익기출문제 -2002 8월
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토익기출문제 -2002 8월에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. L/C

2. R/C


. [for] communicate (-> to)
155. [To continuing] (-> To continue)
156. when [you calling] (-> you are calling)
157. [exercised] facilities (-> exercising)
158. has had --- and [plan] (-> planed)
159. are able [grant] (-> to grant)
160. every measure [possibly] (-> possible)
Part 7
161. Where can books be checked out on Sundays?
The Main Library
162. When is the latest check-out time of Northside Library?
7:30 p.m.
163. What is this statement referring to?
Cassette recorder
164. When should the batteries be removed ?
When they are unused for one month or more
165. What is this e-mail asking for?
A volunteer
166. What is the difficulty Juan would face with?
Sorting mails
167. Where would this notice probably be found?
In a newsletter of club members
168. What is the requirement for getting the vacation?
Belonging to the club membership
169. What is NOT true about granted benefits?
Cash award
170. What is true about returning policy?
Items should be returned within three months from purchase
172. What is NOT mentioned as an advantage of receiving this service?
Classes are located easy to commute
173. What would be given to those who responded promptly?
A free book
174. Who will receive this letter?
Planning authority
175. What is included in the attachment?
Cost estimates
176. What does the company finish?
Laying water pipes
177. What is one requirement for getting this position?
Positive experience on accounts receivable
178. Similar to the other corporations
179. may be busy
180. What is the main purpose of this statement?
Giving notice of an employee’s resignation
181. What is Mr. Sota’s current position?
Investment strategist
182. What is the recipient asked to do?
Discuss matters on the TV show
183. What is one purpose of sending this letter?
To advise him on possible adjustment to the schedule
184. For whom is this article probably intended?
Supermarket owners
185. What is given if there is a problem?
Explanation of the problem
186. What is optional?
Colored glass door
187. Anti-theft
188. Who would probably issue this memorandum?
Department supervisors
189. How long will the new policy be effective?
Throughout April
190. What is NOT mentioned as a way to save the cost of photocopy?getting approval before making photocopies
191. What is recommended to supervisors to improve the environment at the work place?
Set examples for fair behavior
192. What needs to be done to prevent possible mess-up among workers?
Expectations should be clearly mentioned to all employees
193. to get an approval signature
194. The newspapers deadline
195.The water is contaminated
196.buy bottled water
197. What is Mulvaney attempting to do?
Purchase some of Gibson Ltd.’s stores
198. How many stores does Mulvaney own currently?
199. What can be inferred about Gibson Ltd.?
Smaller businesses have been more successful than larger ones.
200. What is NOT true about this passage?
Break Even


토익,   기출문제,   해설,   지문,   풀이
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2010.06.10
  • 저작시기2003.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#618399
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