인도시장진입을위한 마케팅조사(영문자료)
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인도시장진입을위한 마케팅조사(영문자료)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. national flag
2. Location of water purifier
3. Shape of water purifier
4. gab between the poor and the rich
5. Health care in India
6. Precipitation
7. Delivery system
8.Traditions in South India
9.favorite color or pattern
10. India food
11.India water
12. Indian ice consumption
13. India water pollution
14.India kitchen
15. India tea culture
16. India climate
17. India Electricity Generation Capacity
18. Underground water in India
19. Diseases caused by polluted water
20. Booze in India
21. Economy and Buying power in India
22. Eco-friendly products in india
23. Lack of water in India
24. The average height in India
25. Economy of India
26. Indian tea and coffee house
27. The middle class is growing in India


design the Water Purifier, we make it less than the average Water Purifier in Korea.
25. Economy of India
The economy of India is the eleventh largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). In the 1990s, following economic reform from the socialist-inspired economy of post-independence India, the country began to experience rapid economic growth, as markets opened for international competition and investment. In the 21st century, India is an emerging economic power with vast human and natural resources, and a huge knowledge base. Economists predict that by 2020, India will be among the leading economies of the world.
India's per capita income (nominal) is $1,030, ranked 139th in the world, while its per capita (PPP) of US$2,940 is ranked 128th. Previously a closed economy, India's trade has grown fast.[12] India currently accounts for 1.5% of World trade as of 2007 according to the WTO. According to the World Trade Statistics of the WTO in 2006, India's total merchandise trade (counting exports and imports) was valued at $294 billion in 2006 and India's services trade inclusive of export and import was $143 billion. Thus, India's global economic engagement in 2006 covering both merchandise and services trade was of the order of $437 billion, up by a record 72% from a level of $253 billion in 2004. India's trade has reached a still relatively moderate share 24% of GDP in 2006, up from 6% in 1985.
26. Indian tea and coffee house
In India, there are many kinds of tea or coffee house. One of them is tea or coffee houses with tables like above the pictures. And the other is only for take-out tea or coffee. The appearance of cafe isn't good, but they are cheap. The price of tea and coffee house with table is more expensive than the take-out tea or coffee house.
And they use hot water in the tank. Some of shop use mineral water, but some of shop just use tap water. When the shop use mineral water, they take them on the shelf, so customers can know they use the mineral water.
India's cafe also sell the side menu. There are many kinds of food like fruit salad, potato chips, muffin and something like that.
27. The middle class is growing in India
In fact, the Indian middle-class category is not rigid. According to such analysis from World Bank, UN agencies, that is not reliable because every standards isn't unified. Under these circumstances, the middle-class is defied to 4,460~22,300 U.S dollar on a year according to an Indian state government-affiliated institute of Economic Research (NCAER).
In the view of the current 13-15 percent of the total population, about 150 to 170 million people is around the median income. Their purchasing power of total private consumption expenditure accounts for 25-30 percent. Therefore, except for about 10% of high-income population, and 25-30 pecent of middle class, more than 80% is low-income.
And in the future, the porpulation of middle class is bigger than



  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2010.12.23
  • 저작시기2010.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#644561
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